The Toa Mahri trailer

This trailer holds a special place in my heart. I’m pretty sure it’s the first Bionicle commercial I ever saw.

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You know, for the longest time I thought the line was: “Watch out, he’s hot!”

This makes a heck of a lot more sense. XD


Ah the Mahri trailer, best Bionicle movie ever. :stuck_out_tongue:


this is such a good commercial, I wish G2 had gotten stuff like this

y’know what the strange part about the song difference is
I am from the UK and I heard Crashed instead of Face Me when watching the mini film

also this Blooper that I think was an Easter Egg of sorts

it is a tad bit darker now that I watch it nowadays


Looks like the animators over at Ghost were having a bit of fun one day…


They knew about the lime pieces.


I never even knew they had voices. I saw this video when I was 6 or something like that.

And also about the pain of stepping on lego :stuck_out_tongue:


After nearly 10 years of hearing the version with crashed, watching the Face Me version feels really weird…


Just a quick thing, but…

Guys, have you ever noticed Nuparu’s shield at 00:43? That’s got to be the coolest thing to ever exist.


Thats so freakin’ neat!

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I remember seeing it way back when and then imagining the actual set could do it. Good times.


As pointless as it sounds I thought that it was ‘oxygen flow on’ instead of objective, just me?

It does say “Oxygen flow on”, I thought?

When they’re suiting up and installing the oxygen tubes he says “oxygen flow on”.

It’s definitely not objective.

I checked Biosector01 which has a transcript, here’s what it has (cutting out the parts showing what’s onscreen. Also apparently the guy doing all the systems checks as they descend is Axonn, huh… the more you know):

Axonn: Deep sea descent in progress.
Axonn: Thirty one, thirty two.
Axonn: Thirty three thousand.
Hahli: Stay on site.
Axonn: Prepare for impact.
Axonn: Release fireblade.
Jaller: Check.
Axonn: Prototank.
Hahli: Check.
Axonn: Oxygen flow on.
Matoro: Check.
Axonn: Three. Two. One.
Axonn: Destination reached.
Axonn: Disarm hatch. And release Cordak Blasters.
Axonn: Mission objective: Retrieve Mask of Life.
Kongu: I’m ready.
Axonn: Time is limited.
Jaller: There seems to be no sign of life.
Hahli: Whoa. What’s that?
Jaller: Unite in battle formation.
Nuparu: Let’s get them.
Matoro: I’ve got this one.
Kongu: Off you go, creep.
Nuparu: Guys, are you okay? Report back.
Hewkii: Holy Gadunka! Watch out, he’s armed.
Hewkii: Jaller, Nuparu, what’s your status?
Jaller: I’ve found the mask!
Hydraxon: I believe that mask belongs to me.
Teridax: That mask is mine.
Jaller: Guys, I need backup.
Jaller: Matoro!
Matoro: I’ll take it from here.


WhY dOeS sHe HaVe A mAlE vOiCe

I always thought it was nuparu who spoke

@Star-Lord Because only one guy voiced all the characters.

I’d say that more sounds like Blarster, like how I would.

I dunno, he sounds English to me, but I can’t know for sure because I can barely find a biography for Tony Wedgewood let alone his home country.

If anyone knows for sure I’d love to know :stuck_out_tongue:

Edited for Double Posting - Waj

Cool, just checking because some of the other script attempts were different, also I didn’t know axonn had a voice in this.

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Radio static can do that to voices.[quote=“TheMightyObsidianDude, post:39, topic:32919”]
Because only one guy voiced all the characters.

Though this is the simplest answer.