As of 12/4/2015: These MOCs are now outdated! Check out my MOC topic for updated pictures and more!
Here’s a link to the topic!

Some of you guys asked for MOCs of us here at TTV, so here’s what I have for you…

Click here for the gallery showcasing each character!

I started making these MOCs a few years ago. Over time I would improve on them, making bricklink order after bricklink order, and I would come up with new ideas and whatnot. So here they are, years later, finally complete and to remain this way so long we live.

This is all dedicated to the rest of the TTV crew. Not only are they my acquaintances, they are my friends. sheds tears

Oh and the rest of you reading this too. You guys are great.

P.S. Ignore the bootleg backdrop, I lost my old one .-.


dude u rnt my friend if ur guna use that stupid red invi moc go kil urself i hat u

(these are actually cool and the stop motions most of these were in were hilarious)


These MoCs are incredimazing. I am especially fond of mine, Eljay’s, and yours. Also good posing.

Excellent work 12/10 kutgw



Very nice! Each and every one of these looks extraordinary! Keep up with the good work, Venom!

That reminds me… I need to showcase my self-MOC.


Amazing work Ven! Such amazing work that it deserves another stop motion video! Nudge nudge

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If these aren’t the gods among us then I don’t know who is…
In all seriousness these are really great MOCs, nice work!




Wow Ven, you outdid yourself. I saw the older versions before, and they were already top notch. Great work!



Those are… really great. I mean, amazing! Good work, Ven!

Very amazing mocs! ~Detox

I remember these guys from the stop-motion you made. I think my favorite is Meso’s.

I think your self moc perfectly emulates your massive rippling muscles very well.

Awesome work Ven, like always.
I love especially your and mesos mocs the most and Im happy that I still have the advantage of being original on my work in progress Viper moc, as I plan having her moc be a female Zaktann.

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Where can you find this stop motion?

Why does Mesonak’s MOC have boobs? Golden boobs at that XD

I like Meso’s MOC the most to though. Its got the most interesting and unique design and look to it. Kahi’s is a nice mix of Bionicle and HF. I like the look of your MOC but it does indeed look like you borrowed all the designs so its kinda Meh to me. Then Eljay’s looks good to. Looks like all the other stuff I’ve seen for Elay. The rest though, they’re a wash. I think you should go back and redo them. If dark Green is an issue for you with vipers MOC maybe try a system/Bionicle Hybrid. There’s a lot more smaller elements in Dark Green. Bionicle didn’t see very much of that. Sometimes Constraction parts can’t be used for everything. Its good to know when to break out the system to achieve your goal.

Could you post the absolute base? So we (by we I mean me) could build off of it?

Kahi’s has zero HF parts. =P And lol, I didn’t know my Eljay MOC looked so similar to others.

The rest though, they’re a wash. I think you should go back and redo them.

I completely, utterly, disagree. I’ve redone them so many times until I could finally settle for how I wanted them to look (and for how the TTV crew wanted them to look as well) with what I have. How would I even go about “redoing” them anyway? =P I don’t see anything in these MOCs that screams “I need to be redone! Again! Somehow!”

If dark Green is an issue for you with vipers MOC maybe try a system/Bionicle Hybrid. There’s a lot more smaller elements in Dark Green. Bionicle didn’t see very much of that. Sometimes Constraction parts can’t be used for everything. Its good to know when to break out the system to achieve your goal.

Unfortunately I don’t have too big of a system collection (I wish I did though, cuz I’ve seen some amazing work done with system parts), and I wouldn’t even know where to start looking if I wanted to include some system into some of my MOCs like Viper. Maybe if I started a bigger, more ambitious project, I would have some reason/motivation to look into browsing and buying a bunch of system parts on BL if I deemed it necessary. But for these MOCs? Nah. Working with what limits I have when making these MOCs isn’t much of a big deal to me. Heck, I achieved my goals without “breaking out of the system”. =P

Thank you all for the compliments! I’m glad to see that you guys like them, and I’d be happy to post instructions for the basis at some point in the future.

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Oh my bad I meant Varderan’s :stuck_out_tongue: Got the MOC and the name confused. * Derp *

I completely, utterly, disagree. I’ve redone them so many times until I
could finally settle for how I wanted them to look (and for how the TTV
crew wanted them to look as well) with what I have. How would I even go
about “redoing” them anyway? =P I don’t see anything in these MOCs that screams “I need to be redone! Again! Somehow!”

That has got to be one of the most pretentious responses from a MOCer I’ve seen a while. You really need to learn how to take criticism from other MOCers, in fact that seems to be a bit of an issue around here. If you’re going to post your MOCs then that means you’re doing so to elicit a response from others. Not everyone is going to praise your work. Especially not me. No, from me you’re going to get my honest opinion, which is that some of these are good, some are off to a nice start, and some I think need to be revisited, or scrapped all together. To say that your work can’t be improved upon is ridiculous, arrogant and like I said, pretentious. I can’t stress how much this is all based on my opinion, but really dude, your MOCs aren’t that good and how could they be improved? I think the list of how they can’t be improved is shorter.

First off, Viper and Invictus are just bad. She looks like a dude and he looks like an anorexic Antroz reject with one piece of old gold slapped on. Kahi’s MOC(now that I remember which one it is) I think could use some more interesting limbs but the overall vibe I think looks pretty good. The roundness of the different parts suits the Jaller head. But the limbs are so basic, on most of these MOCs. No armor, no customization, just a lot of slapped on set limbs. And more customized limbs go a long way at making a MOC better.

Size is not an excuse either.

Here’s what I feel is a good example for how you could improve Viper. If she’s supposed to be small then use smaller parts. Volvexa is blue because she’s a Matoran but the concept can still be applied.
Before building any female MOC that you actually want to look female/feminine, its important to understand the fundamental difference between female proportions and Male. Put simplest, Male torsos are V shaped while females are 8 shaped. Women have wider hips than men do so their hips should be about as wide as their shoulder. There are many great resources out on the internet to reference, and DA is a great place since its an art/artist website. Here’s a good example.

Now I made Volvexa a bit “bimbo-y” because she’s a circuit girl(Car babe), so I gave her big obnoxious heels and perhaps made her a little more on the busty side, but that’s highly subjective. I still used smooth curved parts and made sure to stick to the “8” style torso to give her an overall feminine look. So right then and there, that’s one way you can improve one of these MOCs.

Next, you could have used your resources more efficiently. By your own admission you said that you were limited based on what Dark Green you have. If you think I’m never limited in what parts I have you’d be wrong. I am to, its just relative. Before I sit down to build a MOC I think about what color I’m going to use. To do so I look through my collection(all my bionicle and technic are sorted, some of my system is but a large portion of it isn’t) and if I want to use Dark Green for example, I go pull out all of my dark Green. That means what ever HF I have(Basically just the parts from Cragger and Ogrum), all my weapons and armor elements from my colored weapons and armor drawer, and all my “body parts” from my main bionicle drawer and assess how much I have. Putting it all in front of you in their separate piles(other wise you gotta sort it all back) really helps gain perspective on what you’ve got to work with.

Another really helpful tip is to embrace your limitations and be willing to work around them. In constraction MOCing its impossible to build anything without using connector elements and some parts just don’t come in any other color. At some point you’re most likely going to have to use something that only comes in dark or light gray(and bluish gray for those particular about it), or black. Instead of trying to avoid it, embrace one of those colors as part of the color scheme. In the case of Viper this could have been light gray since she’s got those connectors on her arms. This would allow you to more cohesively use smaller parts of a neutral color and focus the dark green and gold more as exterior armoring elements. On Volvexa I tried to focus on Dark Grey, but I used those new Mixel joints so that meant some Light Gray to. Vaan I used black since I wanted him to be dark looking. Giving yourself an automatic “structure color” means that you allow for more real estate of the MOC to be taken up by this color and don’t have to stretch a limited parts selection filling out the whole MOC. A good example would be this MOC, Nui Moko This MOC has a very controlled color scheme, in fact it probably has the most controlled color scheme of any my MOCs. Going in I knew i was going to make the top blue and the bottom Red. But I also knew it would be impossible to effectively make this MOC using just those so I made black the structure color because that’s what the majority of Hero Factory bones comes in. If you knew going in your Dark Green was limited to big parts you could have incorporated a neutral color with plenty of the small parts you needed.

Ways you can improve your MOCs based on what I’ve seen from this image set.

  • You can always improve your MOCs, to think that you can’t is a pretentious load of crap.
  • More intricate body parts(limbs included) go a long way to make a better MOC
  • Study female proportions before building a female MOC
  • Manage your resources better
  • Don’t fight your limitations, embrace them.

Removed Anatomy image, as there are a lot of younger children on the site and it is a bit too graphic- Star


Maybe get rid of or censor that anatomy image.

Also,if it’s his opinion, as well as others, that he doesn’t want to change his MOCS, then let it be. Don’t give him a page long lecture on anatomy and how to MOC. That’s a bit disrespectful.

Ummm No. Just no. Because reasons, specifically the one I gave after quoting his response.

Also, this has nothing to do with you, so quite frankly I don’t care if you or anyone other than Venom are offended. Its not your MOC its not your constructive criticism. though the advice I gave is for anyone who’s willing to listen to it.