The Wanderer (Bionicle G2 MOC)

In a deep past before the protectors formed, before the legendary Toa were heard of, and even before the Maskmakers were born, lived a young lady who wandered Okoto’s regions, exploring everything the island had to offer. She was quite a beauty, with lots of dreams. One of those was wanting to make an impact, and one that would last long. As she continued to ponder about it, she felt an urge to pursue that dream. With a small spear and a set of armor, she began her journey. She would learn a lot about her and the island.

This is one my favorite MOCs I have made for some reason. I guess it’s because I gave it a decently feminine look, while still not overdoing it. And I’m really satisfied with how simple, but effective this MOC is.

The torso takes lots of ques from @LoganMcOwen’s Nuva Okotan Torso, because I really enjoy the Nuva breastplate for looking quite feminine, and the torso is very sturdy and firm. The hips are a little big for the size, but I had to make do in some areas. The back of the MOC uses a 4M CCBS Shell, and believe it or not, it blends with the Nuva plate extremely well. As do all of the silver pieces used. The weapon is nothing special, but I don’t think a young huntress wandering in the desert is going to want a larger weapon anyways.

I don’t have a name for it yet, but feel free to give recommendations. Constructive criticism and comments are appreciated. Thanks for reading and enjoy your day!


What does it look like from the back?

Also, this reminds me greatly of one of my MOCs :stuck_out_tongue:


Nothing much to say about it. I would like a back shot, though. This is a pretty solid little MoC here. I can’t see anything wrong.

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Very creative use of the glatorian head for an arm! Everything flows together nicely, not so much a fan of the silver armor in the hips, a bit too excesive, but overall fantastic!


Yeah, it’s a bit large and bulbous.

I’d also recommend filling out the pelvis, because only the hand part being there looks empty.


Dem hips tho, me like.


It looks great! You can definitely tell that it’s a female.
I take it she’s taller than the actuall protector sets? (I know my Okotan MOCs are)
As for a name I suggest “Sherina.”

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Simple, but I like it.

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How about Joe?


Looks nice, and as for the name, how 'bout Riya?


I like this.
I can write the hips off as armour.

Try using a g2 bionicle hand as a pelvis, it might look better than the hand connector you’re currently using.

I would recommend against this, and instead attach a blue pin to the current one and place a Slizer foot piece upside-down to create a v shape.

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Even better. Just so long as it isn’t just a plain hand connector like it is now.

TBH hands make for some really odd pelvis’, and I don’t think it would be too fitting here.

UPDATE: I decided to replace the “hand” with a Brain Attack head. I’ll post some photos later. It looks 10x better than before.