TheCobaltCorsair's Florida Vacation Pictures (Starring: Matau)

Why did it take me about three months to finally post these pictures? I don’t know :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, my family went on vacation to Florida back in late October, and I decided to take some pictures of my Matau Metru set, to test out my new camera.

I took this picture shortly before we started our 26-hour-long drive to Florida. Yeah, it was raining for a little while into the drive…

Sometime the next morning, we finally arrived in Florida, though the trip would still take several hours more before the drive was finally over.

Here’s Matau relaxing by the pool.

Here he is at the beach, on one of the few days it was actually sunny. Speaking of which…

The second half of the trip was washed-out by hurricane Eta, which was unfortunate, as I really couldn’t take any more pictures of Matau…

Well, that’s it for this post. I plan to take more pictures of various Bionicle sets during future vacations, so expect to see more pictures in the near future (or 2022, whichever comes first :stuck_out_tongue:) .


Nice, I’m pretty sure I’ve been where the photo with the “welcome to Florida” sign is!


There are probably quite a few of those “Welcome to Florida” signs, though the possibility exists.


So Matau was the local Florida man all along.


“Local Florida man declares everything ‘Protodermis’.”


Great photography! I really like the one of him by the pool, excellent “just chillin’” pose.

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