Things you Regret Playing/Reading/Watching/Listening to

Not fear, I just couldn’t really enjoy them. It didn’t change my liking of films I’d already seen too.

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I personally regret playing Metroid: Other M. I bought it when it came out, without reading or watching any of the reviews. And now we’ve got Federation Force on the horizon… pls Nintendo, make another great Metroid game!


I regret ever watching power rangers with my sister. Dear god it was awful.

I regret listening to the pop station on the radio. It ruined my mind…


I regret watching half of the first episode of Excel Saga. Seriously what the heck was that it was so weird and freaking annoying I can’t believe anyone would recommend that.

I regret watching both The Day the Earth Stood Still moves because of how rediculously long and boring they were.

Also I googled Himegoto. I am so sorry.

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I regret listening to the following artists: Sabaton, Avatar, Amon Amarth, Bob Dylan, and Shinedown.

The reason why is because I know I will never find anything as good.


Same man…

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You were never in any danger

That episode is lame. XD


I regret clicking on digimon on

Since I just have to delete several posts:

Remember to keep things relatively PG-rated around here, please.




I regret listening to Walk Like an Egyptian, as it will now not leave my head.

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Was that a shot at me? Because I’m really more confused than anything.

Which season?

A few were actually decent.

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Regret listening to this, it’s stuck in mai head:

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but WHY? Are you INSANE? /s

Yes, I googled it yesterday too. I really wish I hadn’t.

I’m insane because I watched a bit of Excel Saga? Well to be honest I don’t blame you, I think anyone would go insane watching that.

No i meant why would you google that?

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I wanted to understand your suffering.


I regret watching pickle and peanut…
Help me, I’m scared. Took 7 episodes of gravity falls to get a minute of that shows thoughts out.

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