Time to talk about League of Legends!

ADC Lulu and Attack Speed Soraka, nuff said.

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I once supported an ADC Xin Xhao. I was Soraka.
Needless to say, we cheesed the hell out of them.

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I was against a Xerath support once
It was unfair
Could not farm at all
@Hafynx Ap Sion usesd to be a thing

I know, but now it’s just funny…

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Is jungle Zed still viable? I tried it out a bit last season and it seemed decent.

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What Champion should be Reworked Next

LEAGUE STORY @Hafynx @TeslaEffect @Frodos_Huna
so I just played a League Game as Ekko

and Basically the early to mid game was Horrible
but when the Blue team decided to take Baron
Me and our Tyndramere tried to Steal it
as we did Poppy Ulted me and Tynndramere away.
but I had my Ult
I Ulted back in tried and died.
But I sent out my Timewinder aswell and its return Killed the Baron.
It was too STRESSFUL

But I was a Boss in stealing it and Won the Game

######after a second Baron


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That sounds incredible. I wish I could’ve seen that.
As for potential reworks, Taric and Yorick are already a must. But I feel like some champs need visual overhauls. Xin, Nunu, Mundo, and Malphite all come to mind for me.

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Shen, Ryze, Pantheon, Xin, Nunu, Mundo, Warwick, Rammus, Kennen, Teemo, Veigar, Corki…

I can Actually see Shen being reworked with a Hatana Sword and his Hair showing

I would like to see Irelia being reworked since she is Unfair since she will need low health just to win lane

Shen is being updated…

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I did hear about that

Yeah, Shen then Taric

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it is FINALLY Happening

also what is your thought about the Virtuoso @Hafynx? @TeslaEffect?

I think it had better be as cool as they are making it out to be…

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indeed since the About him being the Deadeye was a ruse since they confimed him to be the Virtuoso
since Deadeye has been used in League Terminology

I dont have any substantial opinion about Virtuoso cause he is not even up on the PBE yet.

But the teaser is pretty tho, and if it means anything, I think Jhin will have some relations with Sona, since she is the only one of the 4 promo champions to be featured in the teaser trailer for the champion.

I think it’s fun, but i’ve always been too frustrated with being bad at it, so i just disguise it as disliking the game. I never played a lot.

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The game isnt that bad, tho very repetitive. The main gripe is the playerbase, which is why I never commit to ranked games. “Its a game guys, dont take it way to seriously if you get baked by this one Akali or your Support doesnt Ward, or Jungler wastes time, or someobody is way behind or building something wrong unintentionally.”

PS: That Jihn splash art tho.

(League Mask user, what is this, Bionicle?)

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You know I had a Champion Concept for a skeleton who wears a Poncho and wields a Short Musket
I think riot have borrowed some of the ideas

Also @TeslaEffect I noticed the big shoulder plate before the splash arts release but the Cool Bionic Arm

he is going to be Venom Snake

and he has been revealed @Hafynx @Zelohak

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