Time to talk about League of Legends!

Initially, Jhin’s mask reminded me of Handsome Jack. Now, not so much.

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Now it reminds me of Amon from Legend of Korra.

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just another game

also what should i do next

Ryze Jungle?

AP Gangplank?

AP Jinx?

Braum Jungle

ADC Twisted Fate
ADC Ahri

@Hafynx @TeslaEffect @Zelohak @Ranaki_Pakewa @Frodos_Huna

Guys, you do realize I work on the LoL wiki, I am among the first people to get news updates.

Also Shen and Jhin, Ionia is finally getting some love.


Ionia Event Confirmed

Not necessarily, tho they have been releasing more Ionia related content regarding the new lore ever since Karmas rework, then Master Yis Rework, then the Brazilian Masquerade event, then the Bilgwater Black Mist Map, then the Black Market Brawler items, then Bard release, then the Turkish LoL magazine Ionia concept art, then Shen VU, then Jhin release…

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Please stop tagging me. I’m not as into LOL as I used to be anymore, and even when I was I could see the updates whenever I booted the game up.

The Ionia event, if they’re doing one, would probably be for this year’s “Lunar Revel”. Also I’m hoping that just like with Poppy, Shen has all his Splash Arts updated.
By the way @TeslaEffect, do you guys outright remove the old splashes on the wiki? I only ever see the newest ones in the “skins/trivia”. I know some are put in champion concept such as Gangplank’s.

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We dont “remove” any splash arts per say, you can generally find all of the old splash arts if you go directly to the splash art file and click on of its variations in the history tab.

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Who is enjoy the EU Sping Split?

@Hafynx @TeslaEffect @Frodos_Huna


I dont watch Pro League that much. As I said, dont care much for Ranked, Im in it cause of the lore. That being said, if you had any lore related questions regarding League of Legends, Im probably one of three know people from the community that actually know everything that is to know about the lore (past, current, future lore).

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How has Burning Tides & Shadow and Fortune affected the Lore altogether?

In terms of how lore is released, greatly. Its arguably the best way lore has been released since ever.

In terms of what we got from it:

New initial lore for Gangplank, MF, TF, Graves, Kalista, Morderkaiser, Hecarim, Karthus Thresh (which flesh out the champions backstory to a significant degree and flesh out the setting as a whole),

New Expanded lore for all the mentioned champions and including Illaoi, Lucian, and Olaf.

Illaoi was greatly publicized even before her champion reveal and had a significant part in the story.

Bilgewater, Shadow Isles (aka Blessed Isles), Noxus, Ionia, Demacia, and Freljord all got some lore expansions in various degrees (mythology, demographics, culture, locations, history,objects, languages, creatures…)

Visual Updates for Gangplank (including a free canon Captain Gangplank skin during the event) and Miss Fortune.

New story related Icons, store icons, ward skins, and other event related skins (including canon skins for MF, Graves, and TF).

A lot of conceptual artwork for Bilgewater and Shadow Isles which again flesh out the setting a bit more.

Both of the lore events continued from one another, which is a fairly new concept for Riot in this large of a scale.

Openings for possible story continuations in Piltover, Bilgewater, Ionia, Shadow Isles…

This is just a summary, but a larger summary can be found on this forum thread, which was made by one of the three people, including myself, who actually know LoLs lore the best.

All in all, Riot has up their lore quality, and a bit the release time for the lore when comparing it to the old pathetic lore of the Institute of War.

While I agree as far as events go, their in-client lore “updates” are usually just lazy. A prime example would be the Shurima lore updates. Although the old lores were rendered non-canon by the event, they could’ve easily tweaked them. Instead they went with a 3-4 sentence blurb that honestly just feels inferior.
I do adore the lore in the events though. Especially the Shadow Isles and Bilgewater ones.

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Yeah, the initial months after the retcon were lackluster, but they seem to have done a good job afterwards and they did say they would update the further lore for the Shuriman champions very soon.

I dont even watch the in-client short bios, they do their job well for what they are. Also I think they are placeholders for a future PVP.net client update.

Also a note, in the most recent PBE patch some of the champions got small tweeks to their old lore, mostly removing any mentions of IOW, but the general lore still remained the same and was not replaced by just short bios. So by now, we know Noxian Invasion of Ionia did happen, but the motives for that invasion are not yet cleared.

Generally most, if not all the lore which doenst have anything to do with mentioning the IOW or has IOW doing something stayed the same, at least for the champions that are thematically consistent with the new lore and such.

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I really enjoy the lore
but it sometimes feels a bit off charatcher

it says Rammus crafted his suit of armour so he must have great intelligence so he must know what tools ans materials to use so he must have high Intelligence

and he only says SIX words

I can see him more as a Adventurer

Rammus has a very old model with very few VO. Hell, his splash art is still in the old 2009 format. He is a dang old champion.

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And its not even accurate

His Handkerchief thing does not cover his Mouth

I have got my First Ranked game Win this Season

but Dynamic Queues are still down


I got a win as well! But I’ll still be bronze :frowning:

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Bronze Master Race Unite! :fist:

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