Time Would Bring Transformations (Bionicle Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard, Part 2)

:ok_hand: :fire:



you sir, you have gotten yourself a vote. very well done

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I’m absolutely in love with this. Have been since the moment I saw the first draft. The poses are all amazing (especially Kualas and Iruini) and I love the idea of the Rahaga silhouettes. The parts look perfect in their almost-Miramax style, and I for one love the choice of making Bomonga a bit bigger. Also bronze Gaaki ftw
Definitely got my vote secured <33


I like Kualus in this…

Like, I reallllyy like Kualus in this.


I think there’s a spot missing in Bomonga’s elbow. Maybe I’m not seeing it right


Wow, thank you for noticing that! I must’ve accidentally hit the alpha button somewhere along the way. I’ll go ahead and work on reuploading the corrected image, good thing someone noticed before it was too late.


Wow I love this! I think Kualus is definitely my favourite, you’ve got my vote


Awesome work on Pouks! I’m pleased you like his design and thanks for keeping the mask :ok_hand:


These are pretty well done, but I’m honestly not a fan of the way the characters have mouths on their masks. I know that you’re going for the authentic Mirimax look, but I really don’t like the idea of our only “canon” appearances for these characters having mouths in their masks.

For pouks especially I think it comes off looking really strange.


This is great, the miramax style is near perfect, really clean job, hope you do well.


That’s definitely fair. I knew going in that not everyone is a fan of the Miramax mouth, but as my favorite Bionicle media I really wanted to represent it.

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Hhhhhow did I miss this? Utterly fantastic.


Really NICE Art! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:

For me, this is one of the arts that I hope to its win! :muscle:


Very high likelihood of getting my first choice for sure, the art style and the Rahaga auras really sell it for me. Only thing I would change is Pouks’ thigh armor, which is allowed to be changed to Metru style thigh armor like the rest of the team due to that the original entry photo used the Hagah shield to obscure the thigh armor


But we have other photos that show the thigh armor and it isn’t metru armor. You’re not allowed to change the actual appearance of the moc and I lost too many brain cells while that discussion was going on so I’d rather keep the armor. Plus it helps the flow of his bulky armor

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Yeah I’ve heard about this discourse and I’m just gonna stay out of it :eyes:

All I know is that I like the Inika armor on him a lot more than the standard metru armor so I don’t see myself changing it unless I have to.

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it was said that since the thighs were obscured in the entry image, artists could draw any thigh armor.

As far as I know, Eljay never went back on this


But there was other photos showing the moc which left the inika armor exposed. It’s weird to act like the entry photo is the only one that exist of the moc. I just don’t know why people are so focused on changing thigh armor.

I agree, but I got shut down pretty hard for even suggesting that the art should stay accurate to the model, on account of being too close to the deadline.

(And then the deadline got extended anyways, so maybe we could have had an actual discussion about it?)

Either way, the accuracy to the winning model is a definite plus for me, as well as keeping Pouks and Bomonga’s metallic colours. I would have liked Gaaki to stay silver, but you’re hardly the only person making her copper.

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You know I agree with you, the art should stay faithful to the winning mocs, that’s the point of the MOC part of the contest anyways, I’m not too big on the copper Gaaki either but this art is still amazing.