Toa Azarius ver. 4.1 (Self MOC)

i’ve been debating uploading this here for a while, but i finally made up my mind. so here he is, the fourth iteration of my Self MOC Toa Azarius, or Azi for short!

notable features:

.His Kakama was a Commission from ModaltMasks
.the torso build is a mashup of two torso designs from Kemzal
.the armor on his forearms as 3D Prints.

feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on him! i spent weeks redesigning him and improving him, so any feedback would be appreciated! please don’t flag this either, i just want to share my creation to the community and see what people think of him!


The mask and color scheme are awesome! The torso is a bit too long, I think, but he looks great!

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thanks! the length of the torso might be due to the friction adder i added to it so that the torso combo could work : /

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That Tron legacy styled/inspired mask is pretty neat

Try to make more quality photos. people can see all your clothes and your PS4(I have a PS4 too) and more stuff. Try to find a spot where you can make better photos


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I really like the design on the mask and the 3d printed armor pieces, ModaltMasks are really great at what they do (I’ve dabbled in painting masks before myself and I can say with certainty that it’s very difficult to make something that looks as good as one of their masks)

I am curious though, did you print those armor pieces yourself, or did you order them from somewhere? They’re very neat looking either way, and the Moc overall looks very nice (though I do agree that the torso seems a bit large compared to the limbs, but Bionicle isn’t exactly known for accurate proportions anyway :wink:

The 3D Prints were bought on Shapeways, from a shop called Leewan’s Custom Constraction Parts

@SonicBionicleMaster Thanks! it’s not really Tron inspired, more along the lines of arcing Lightning, but glad you like it either way!

Edited for Double Post ~ ReeseEH

You know, I actually really like that torso design. Sure a bit long but I feel it works for him.
Gives him an interesting lanky/‘off’ feel that I think works with his build. Only problem I got with it is how… bulky its connection to the lower torso looks, kinda cuts off the lanky feel,

that may be due to the friction adder i put on him. the connection was too loose originally, and the Bohrok eyes on the sides kept limiting his movement, so i put a friction adder on in order to fix those issues. the bulkiness is just a downside of that, but a necessary one.

on a side note, this post got flagged and hidden for some reason. idk why, since i don’t seem to have broken any of the guidelines…

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I love when people incorporate printed chestplates into MOCs’ color schemes. It seems like you’ve done that partway with black and azure; I’d like to see some more green, either as a solid green or as more transparent green. Maybe try replacing the trans light blue bones with black ones, so that the brighter colors contrast more.

Other than that, he seems a bit on the skinny side; his torso specifically could stand to be shortened a bit. Just enough so that his hands reach below the hips into the region of the thighs. White bohrok eyes on the torso are distracting, and the silver placement seems a bit random.

Good, but try putting it on a solid color background like white.

can do!

@Hawkflight i actually tried using trans green and switching out the trans lt. blue for black in previous iterations. the former just looked kind of awkward, and the latter made him look too colorless.

The problem is that the addition of a new color to a MOC tends to weaken the power of the other colors. If this guy was all black, azure, and silver, it would look really good.

Of course, committing to a minimal color scheme means replacing a bunch of the technic bits with bits in the colors you are using.