Toa Bomonga

For Bomonga, I chose a more traditional, Norik-esque design, but with added focus on elegance and stealth. He is described as a silent stalker, preferring to hunt at night and able to lie in wait for hours without making a sound, so an elegant, slightly somber design made more sense than a big, bulky one. The purple ribbed hoses, added mainly because I wanted to include his secondary color from WoS, could maybe be shock absorbers (to muffle the sound of his movements)…?
Again, feedback is most welcome!

Action Pose





I really like this as a MOC, great colour and piece usage and really gives off that stealthy look you were going for while retaining the toa of earth vibe. However I don’t think I would vote for this if it were in the canonization contest as, call me a purist, I feel like you’ve deviated too far from the designs of Norik and Iruini with the Hero Factory armour, tubes, Glatorian-style head and asymmetrical shoulder pads. But if its not for the contest then this is great! I love the design!


Thanks a lot, glad you like the design! Although I was thinking of entering it… :smile: Well, I was also on the fence about the HF armour, but ended up going that way because I felt he had enough silver. However, they can easily be replaced with Metru thighs for “team consistency”!


sure, it has different designs with Iruini and Norik, but I still realy LOVE this black + silver + purple coloring! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :clap: :clap:


This is really cool. However, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately as it stands, you would need to change a few things before being able to enter it into the contest. First off, I’m pretty sure the entirety of the feet must be silver. Also, the thigh armor has to be silver as well, other than that, I’m pretty sure your good. Great work!

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@Bukkey Thank you so much for your kind words! I knew I had to use old purple, it’s one of the coolest colors IMO :heart_eyes:
@T4k4nuv4 Hey, no problem, that’s part of why I uploaded ahead of time! :smiley: I anticipated that the feet and thighs would have to be changed to standard silver Metru pieces - luckily, those are easy fixes. Anyway, thanks for your feedback - glad you like it!


everything but the ccbs looks good. ccbs the way it is looks good as a moc but not as a canon hagah. unlike the other dude tho i dont mind the asymetrey as much lol

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I think he fits for cannon contest but with a couple small adjustments. 1 must use primary color, it is black- check. 2 cannot have multiple metallic color- check. 3 spear and shield-check. 4 Use metru torso-check. 5 The metallic colors need to be in certain places Head, shoulders, chest, upper legs, and feet.
upper legs- need to swap either thigh parts for silver, or the round knee part (if in silver).
Feet-check, someone said the entire foot need to be sliver, I would disagree as the foot has metallic on it and I think that sets him apart but not to drastically.
I love the purple a lot but I think you might consider swapping the hands for black.
We have to remember the Hagah all came from different toa teams, and this detail I think allows for some body design differences, with asymmetry so long as they look cohesive as a team. If you happen to have a Norik and Iruini set maybe post some images with your moc with them so we can get a feel for them as a team.

Id also consider getting some purple on the back just a subtle amount to help it not look quite so plain. I think he is a great example of working within the set parameters to fit the rules without simply making a clone recolor.

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@Seuss Thanks, I’m glad that you like most of it! I also quite liked the asymetrical shoulder pads, so I’ll think about them, but the thighs will most likely be changed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@cynic1987 Thank you, happy to hear that he looks interesting without breaking the requirements! That was definitely something I was mindful of. I never thought about changing the kneepads to silver - that might be something to try! And yes, I’ll definitely upload photos of the whole Hagah team once they’re done :smiley:

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This is a good moc. Really shows the potential for custom metru torsos.


@Bodi Thanks, that’s great to hear!