Toa Chiara, The Loner, C&C Appreciated

Greetings Plebians
as some of y’all may know i have been in the business of building a Toa Chiara
out of all the characters on the TTV canon list 1&2 - Chiara is my main one, i have entered Tuyet, mabye Varian, Naho and Nihdiki perhaps since i kinda wanna finish my Mangai collection and i have a bunch of metru builds ready. And probably a matoran or 2 for fun.
For the other Yesterday Quest peeps - i have no clue for Zaria and am rooting for @Bukkey’s Orde.
Anyhoo - this is the model i have put the most time in and has evolved over time the most. And after learning as much as i can about the YQT, Chiara and Orde are now some of my favourite characters. ( i even have a Chiara story thats about half finished and some of her matoran friends)
ok enough of my rambling

this would be the entry photo (and this will be posted on my flickr acount)
i wanted to give her a sorta loner almost huntress vibe with the cape on one shoulder and the knife skirt things (i also have her ‘canon’ weapon and along with a bow and tanfa - arm blade thing! also her mask would be the volitak by Khing K spray-painted silver

she is also Inika scale and is slightly taller then Gelu


she also has some waist articulation since most Chiara’s seem to have that and i wanted an extra point of articulation.

here she is with some of her matoran friends

Hips/lower torso and arms


hips and lower torso




Many MANY torso breakdowns



basically the head is the same as @WholesomeGadunka "s Nikila - but you could swap it out for the metru head and custom trans purple eyestock.

my apologies for the many breakdown photos - but ye, i would love to hear what y’all think, C&C appreciated!


Ah, this moc looks pretty good! The asymmetrical shoulders are cool and I like the use of parts for the armor and weapons.

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Nice! Could use a little bit of filling in on the upper arms and neck area. But other than that, I’d buy it if it was for sale!

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thanks guys!

oh wow - thank you

thanks !

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Hm great.
I love that the hip articulation is well hidden. Also purple eyes is great.
Might be my favourite Chiara at this point. Just the back is lacking, but that is not a big problem.

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There’s a lot going on that I like here.

For starters, the shaping; I’ve always imagined Chiara as being extremely thin and tall, and this does that really well.

I also like the asymmetrical shoulder armour. It was pretty cool on Hewkii Mahri, and I like the idea that it’s a common thing in the Matoran Universe (or at least not just unique to Hewkii).

One thing that I’m not sure about is the silver. While I’m not generally a fan of random silver on Toa, I can understand why you might want it to be used in order to keep the mask purist (although you did also cut off the muffler, so maybe that isn’t a concern). My bigger issue with the silver is that it seems a little bit too sporadic. What might make it look really cool would be if you just concentrated the silver on her left arm, both to “merge” the colour blocking with the mask, and to further highlight the asymmetry of her shoulders.

Overall, though, I still really like this Chiara build.

And the spear is more or less what I imagined as well.

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ye thats fair - the main reason i used silver was to differentiate her from gelu, since they both use the the white and blue, so i wanted to add the purple and silver to make them not look like their from the same element
also to work with the color blocking - the mask made this easier

Awesome looking MOC! That’s a neat torso design! My only gripe is that the torso and hips can be filled out more, especially the back of the torso.

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Pretty solid MOC overall. The biggest concern I have is the blue chestplate. Her armor is white and silver everywhere else, the rest of the blue is on her body (cross reference Gelu, all of his armor is white not counting the snowflake pieces.) I’d also recommend giving her on some wider thigh armor, rather than the super skinny Metru armor pieces. The shaping of the shins into really skinny thighs doesn’t look that great, especially for a female MOC.

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Cool build, very impressed by that waist articulation

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I like it but the non-purist mask hurts to look at

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ye that fair - but i do own 3 volitaks so its not as bad

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Tuyet and Hahli Mahri/Inika Mashup rebuilds!!
(less so for hahli, just different weapon, mask and wings)


and hopefully limbs too

she needs proper healthcare after being cursed with lime joints

its an Inika/Mahri mashup - so inika colors and mahri mask, weapons and wings
