Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

The way I see it, a metru build is simply a model that uses the metru torso, and has similar proportions and articulation. The types of limbs shouldn’t matter very much, I think. Going by this Nenon wouldn’t be considered a metru build since she’s too tall. I’d argue that the purple Onewa moc works, however.

I don’t see what the issue is here. I respect Greg’s decision, but I’d personally prefer if Pouks had the standard mask of emulation, just because that’s how I’m (And I’m sure, the same applies to many other people) used to seeing him.

I wrote something similar on the old discussion topic, but I’ll say it again here: There are a few examples of inconsistency already in bionicle sets.

  • Nuparu is the only McToran-style character with two disk throwing arms.

  • The red vahki and black vahki are the only two vahki who’s color schemes don’t match with there toa metru counterparts.

  • Jaller and Kongu Mahri are the only ones in the team with green eyes

  • (edit) Oohnorak is the only visorak to have the shorter thighs