Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

I will now build the Toa Hagah all with 3 arms


Roodaka wasn’t the first to mutate them.


very based, thank you


My point wasn’t make them like the dark hunters my point was look at these METRU BUILDS that are canon and how they are innovative in some regards. Thanks for totally missing my point and being respectful about it.


I agree with your point that Metru Builds can have interesting parts usage, but I don’t think using Dark Hunters helps the case (especially Ravager who’s just a mishmash of other sets, the legs are barely modified from Nivawk). Better examples of interesting parts usage on Metru builds would be things like Kodiak’s Bomonga, which has a Metru torso and could conceivably be a Toa, yet makes creative usage of several parts

Toa Hagah Bomonga - Creative Content / Lego Creations - The TTV Message Boards (


Like @toaskello said, those aren’t the best examples.

Yes, you can make interesting things using a Metru-build, but the issue is visual consistency.

All we’re saying is that if Pouks rolled up with Mimic’s thunderthighs he wouldn’t really fit in well with the rest of the Hagah.


we all want that


While I do agree that Ravager is a bunch of things slaped together it was more the usage of the build that was the focal point of my argument.

I think I said my peace well enough in the original topic, and don’t feel like rehashing everything here. But for some quick clarification on a slightly related topic,

I’m assuming this includes feedback from places beyond just here on the message boards, like when you were in the r/ discord just a bit ago for example, right? (I don’t see why it wouldn’t, just want to be sure that things discussed elsewhere aren’t forgotten when you & eljay get together for the podcast).

Time to insert my tuppence; I’m sure these two cents will be wholeheartedly accepted by the entirety of the BIONICLE community, I’ll be made a LEGO Ambassador, and they’ll rename the street in front of the Christiansborg Palace in Denmark after me.

From the document:

  • Some people (us included) think that “Metru build” means using both the upper and lower Metru torso piece combined together to create a torso build just like Norik or Iruini. The limbs could theoretically be whatever, but that torso design should pretty much be a constant.
  • In addition to all of that, because these characters are part of an already established team with an already established aesthetic, there should probably be a rule of sorts mandating that their appearance can’t deviate too far in aesthetic from Iruini and Norik (no 100% CCBS limbs or overly greebly, ornate armor for instance that looks out of place with G1)

This description sounds perfectly how it ought to be. The calves/lower legs can have some variation, the hip placement may vary, but generally the design stays recognizable to Norik and Iruini. (On that topic, the Bomonga shared by @toaskello has really extreme shoulders and shins, which I would disqualify).

With this said, I believe art-only is the way to go. The MOCs really can’t (or shouldn’t) be too creative, so we may as well jump straight toward finalizing the exact proportions of their height (i.e. lower leg design, hip placement) and their spear/Kanohi’s appearance.


after saying this i realize mimic’s legs are barely modified kikanalo legs as well


To reiterate I’m not saying build them like the dark hunters I only wanted to bring light to the fact that the build isn’t creatively limiting as mocs have shown in the past even canon ones. Thanks for understanding

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I, for one, am in favor of mandating incredibly beefy thighs for Pouks. I ain’t afraid of no legs.


I would say it is


Look closely; it uses a Vahki waist, not a Metru waist. That said, I think such an entry would be disqualified by any reasonable person.

You forgot the option to not do it.


I mean I certainly wouldn’t vote for it, but I wouldn’t disqualify it either.


It runs completely against the spirit of the “Metru build” with highly specialized greeble and detailed aesthetics, not to mention limbs that don’t resemble the Metru build. As I pointed out a minute ago, it doesn’t even have Metru hips – it’s just built around a Metru torso. I’m not knocking the MOC, but it’s not a Metru build by any definition, let alone for this contest’s purposes.

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As usual, I find myself agreeing with you. :wink:

I’m going to be blunt; there are still more questions than focused goals that need to be addressed before we can really consider a concrete rulseset for the Hagah. One thing I’m completely against is a regelation to an art-only contest. I’ve had people tell me that this way, moccists can just take the art and create their own designs from it. However, that flies in the face of moccists who actually want to compete and participate in this contest. That was the point of the moc-and-art combination, to begin with! If I had it my way, I’d nix the art contest, but then that’s not fair to artists. So, I say we keep it like it is, or we provide the opportunity for art and moc to compete directly.

On the subject of what I define as a Metru build, I’ve seen a ton of excellent, Metru-style custom builds that reflect the idea that a Metru build is not and should not be limited exclusively to the 04 gearbox, with all of its limitations. Yes, the gearbox can be and is often provided plenty of love and I’ve seen plenty of excellent builds using it as the core of the torso (including the official Dark Hunter Mimic, @BobTheDoctor27’s work as well as my own self moc); however, I have also seen multiple interpretations of the Metru proportions that are positively fantastic, such as @Dag’s Kualus, as well as the work of Aartii Studios.

The 04 gearbox is full of opportunity to innovate, but if someone can duplicate the Metru proportions with a custom design, then why stop them?

As for masks; I believe that this should be looked at on more of a case-by-case basis. The Hagah canonically each possess masks designed with ‘the likeness of a past hero in mind, save Iruini,’ and Pouks’ Mask of Emulation in particular is stated to possess difference in shape from the norm. That doesn’t warrant the disqualification of custom, 3D printed designs, in my opinion, but it does raise some case by case scenarios where maybe Pouks isn’t allowed to wear a mask that resembles the canon Mask of Emulation, for example.

On the whole, the Hagah are each Toa from different initial teams, meaning that I’d like to see some more variation in attributes and tweaks to the builds to make them more unique. Perhaps Bomounga is built with larger forearms for smashing the ground and creating earthquakes, or Kualus has spikes built into his feet for icewalking. I want to see stylistic opportunity, while simultaneously remaining within the realm of consistency. Because if all we are left with is the change to create the most miniscule variations of torso length or the kind of shoulder pads we use, then that will disappoint a lot of people, as we’ve seen today, already.

I know how hard it will be to judge such a build between consistent and creative, but I believe that there is a middle ground here.



A MOC-and-art combination allowed us to create visual aids for artists to work with that were solidly planted in the core Technic system. We already have a pretty basic frame for the Hagah: they need a Metru torso and limbs that at least come from the BIONICLE franchise, they need spears, and they need Rhotuka shields identical to Norik and Iruini’s. I wouldn’t mind MOC entries, honestly, but it does feel like an unnecessary step.
EDIT: Consider the wild variations in the Helryx contest that arose even after a single MOC was selected. I feel like with the vaguest “Metru build” requirement, we’d still get plenty of variety without the added step of a MOC contest.

I don’t entirely disagree, but I do feel that it opens the floodgates for more extreme designs that require closer scrutiny and will cause issues down the line. Where do we determine what is and isn’t similar to a Metru gearbox?

I agree, more or less. I think that not every mask should be different from canon (Iruini’s Kualsi is a standard Kualsi) and I think the option should be open in every case except Pouks’s Mask of Emulation.

I love the idea of variations to perhaps the forearm (I personally would keep it the same), the lower leg, and maybe some variation on the feet/shoulders. Personally, I think a MOC should retain the standard feet/shoulders and artwork could then stylize them further, similarly to how the Toa Nuva all appear the same as toys but feature differences in the Miramax films.