Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

Who flagged my posts? I was just expressing my opinion. Its not constructive to flag others.


One more thing I will say: while I don’t have a strong preference as to whether it should be moc then art, or just art, if you pit mocs against art, art will win 98% of the time. I don’t think that would be fair at all.

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As the person who made that Vakama, when it has made several people I’ve shown it to do a double take cause they thought at first glance it was just a regular Vakama, I’d say I successfully replicated the Metru build, but to each their own I suppose.


Reminder that we’re actively watching this topic and don’t need a flag to exercise our own judgement. Calling people ignorant isn’t constructive either.


Most with untrained eyes might mistake it for a normal Vakama but as a 04 fanatic and collector I’m not easily decived by cheap tricks. Certainly the most obvious thing that makes it not look like the real thing is the protruding chest plate and the connectors pin holes and the bohrok eyes.


I’ll be honest and say I did.

The thinly veiled insult seemed even less constructive to me.


That’s not all it takes though.

Could you do that if you wanted? Sure. But there’s plenty of options beyond that. Literally every piece of the limbs is left to the builder.

And the Toa Metru used different ones.

If you’re worried about the Hagah looking cohesive, rather than the “Metru build” rules, it’s worth pointing out that Norik and Iruini are less than half of the Toa Hagah. Two samples isn’t enough to form conclusions about the rest of them. The Visorak had a 2-2-2 split on the shins, after all.

The Inika had their own groupings. Only two sets used melded colours. Only two sets used translucent bones. Only one set had raised shoulder armour.

How is that any different than switching up the parts on the Hagah?

That’s… not how anything works.

Saying that two things do not belong to a group doesn’t mean that everything else in the group must be identical to the original samples.

That’s kind of like saying that, because an American is human and a gorilla isn’t, then all humans must be American.


Ok… thanks for being honest about it and also I will apologize for stepping out of line in that regard.


along with chest armor

Dude what is the problem. It is literally an objectively good thing that someone made something that is NOT a metru build that matches up so closely to a metru build. Not all builds have to be generic clones. I do not see why you even made this post other than to just complain that someone’s vakama moc doesn’t look exactly like the set, when it is almost identical.

What has this topic devolved into?

in My Opinion a metru build is anything that uses the upper half of the metru torso.


who needs hoseryx when we could have the thicc hagah

but really, i feel like we should have a rule where the skeleton of the moc should be made of only pieces pre-inika. go mad with the armor and mask, but i feel that’s a good way to go. a height limit also seems important.


i just find this wording funny. not mocking you or anything, i’m just kinda amused by it.


and so, our protagonist stepped out into the dangerous plain of death and pain


oh i HATE this. /s

Wish me luck as I have done for you.


You’re missing his broader point, possibly intentionally.

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Yo, my man, like, I think it’s kinda silly to call this dude’s Vakama MoC a cheap trick. It does a very good job at replicating a Metru torso, and imo does one of the best jobs at showing how custom torsos could work. I still personally wouldn’t vote for any custom torsos, but his MoC does illustrate a fair point. Insulting it isn’t gonna do you any favors.


I must’ve missed when it was anything else


His entire point was that a moc that looks almost exactly like vakama doesn’t look exactly like it therefore it isn’t a metru build, unless he somehow really failed to enumerate his point very well.

No my point was that a replica can never be as perfect as the real thing especially not when we are talking about Lego bionicle parts. They weren’t made for parts out of other parts building you may disagree but why substitute a part that alreafy exists and can be used for sometjing custom? I pointed out the flaws that made me go thats not a metru torso I didn’t mean to call the moc bad

I will say I consistently underestimate how passionate people are about this. As much as I think it’s warranted and worth talking about… yeah. You guys never fail to surprise me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the distinction between “looking like a Metru build” and “being a Metru build” is important to discuss. Like @Ballomnomnom said earlier, creative freedom is good, and ideally I would follow along with that logic and allow for custom torsos that just follow Metru build proportions. That was my initial idea, at least.

The reason why I stopped barking up that tree is because it would get really hard to enforce that in a meaningful capacity. Vague rules typically don’t end well: Stuff like “Just make it look like a Metru torso” or “Just make it have similar proportions” is nice in theory, but difficult to enforce, and we’d rather not have to subjectively analyze each entry to decide if they’re ‘Metru enough." I think, over time, that would frustrate people as well, who would inevitably feel like we’re overstepping or being too specific. By the same token, if we put in very specific rules about like… dimensions or specific armor piece usage or whatever, that would ALSO frustrate people, and defeat the purpose of custom builds in some peoples’ eyes.

It’s why I think mandating the Metru skeleton, AT LEAST, should be what we go with as a baseline, even though i have seen very convincing custom builds that replicate the aesthetic. For what it’s worth, @Dag, I think your build definitely falls into one of those cases that justifies having the discussion. It proves something like that could conceivably work and that custom torsos could totally be fine in theory. I just think it’s a hard thing to like… regulate and enforce, which is probably why we won’t go with it in the end.