Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

Looks nothing like a Hagah torso. Easy solution: don’t use the bloody Inika chest. This is Lego. Not every part can or should be useful in every situation.


Okay but like @SirKeksalot said why would you even slap an Inika chest plate on a Metru torso lol
This attempt to prove a point in favor of custom torsos just proves a massive point against them


Holy cow! I decided to take a break from here for a bit while waiting for the contest discussion to come up again, and I come back a couple days late and see 800+ replies. Can’t say I’m surprised, haha. Anyways, here’s my final take on this bit of Bionicle taxonomy:

For me, I don’t see the “metru build” restriction as something that should be a rule. At the end of the day, if Greg approves a custom build, then that build becomes a “Metru build” by definition.

As for what should be a “Metru build”, I think that should be a matter for the vote, not the rules. Voters should be told that whatever wins will become an extension of the definition of a “Metru build” and they should factor that into their choices.

That being said, I don’t mind the stud measuring rule that’s being tossed around, so long as it has a little flexibility (plus or minus a stud or two), but I think at this point the rules would be getting a tad convoluted.

Besides, it’s a creative contest, so let people be creative! If people think a particular build style is not in the spirit of the canon, then they won’t vote for it.

Anyways, this is all I have to say about the Metru build discourse. I’m here to have fun participating in a contest, not to argue about how many grains of sand make a pile for the nth time. Ultimately, I’m sure I’ll enjoy the winning sets/art, whatever the rules end up being.

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Now this really is off-topic, but personally I subscribe to the idea of Toa Evolution. tl;dr: Inika builds were the original forms of Toa as they were based off of Glatorian (who likewise use Inika builds)*, and over the centuries the form of Toa were streamlined into Hagah builds, and then further streamlined into the Metru builds we see with Lhikan and the Metru.

*The Toa Mata and Helryx being exceptions to this, the former because they were designed by Artakha, Helryx because that topic is from like 6 years ago and we didn’t know what Helryx looked like then (although you can easily no-prize it by just calling her the prototypical Toa)


i…didn’t think about that.

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No, it’s a canon contest. It has to abide by established canon. Greg said that the Hagah were all Metru builds before any amendments to what that could entail. Unless you seriously mean that an Inika build can be submitted and, by your logic, become a form of Metru build if it wins. Hell, why not go all out, why not let people make Artakha blue or give Helryx a Barraki head. It’s a creative contest, let people be creative, right?


It’s not though it’s a cannon contest and as has been stated over and over again custom torsos add nothing and only detract also as I have stated putting ones faith fully in the hands of the voters is rather foolish.

Edit: The creative part of this contest is seeing how creative one can get whilst still sticking to the cannon and what has been said by Greg (and has been shown you can get pretty dang creative with a Metru torso/Metru Build) the creative part isn’t to just create the coolest Hagah


“Sand green” is processed by Matoran eyes into what humans call blue. This is canon.


I can’t believe I have to say this again but I guess it’s another day.

Be respectful in your replies to people you disagree with or suspensions will be forthcoming. My patience has run out.


And this is why I said this was my final take on the topic, I don’t have the mental energy nor interest to get back into a heated debate about this.

I’ve said my peace, and I’m ready to move on to whatever the next topic is. What are some other points people are discussing besides the Metru build?


The format of the contest (MOC-art, art only, or free for all MOC and art simultaneously) is not only another point of concern but the entire point of this thread, if you have something to share on that. Otherwise, just the Metru build.


Its kinda all just debates over the build currently if its not the torso its the limbs if its not the limbs its the armor.

I wish we could have this much faith.

Between the people who are ignorant of canon and the people who don’t care, I don’t think this can honestly be expected.

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Canon contests will now have a voter eligibility test consisting of canon related questions where voters must have 90% legibility on canon to gain voting rights.


Ah, yes. Having made Hagah mocs myself, I’m for any format that could end up with my mocs becoming canon, haha. But that might be a bit of a biased take.

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My 2 cents on the format to change topics is that the moc first art second option is the best since it pleases the most people as both the moc-ing people get their mocs and the art people get their art, its the system TTV is the most used to and most familiar with, much the same with us and the community its the system we’re the most familiar with, and the other two options result in one group of people being upset since doing just art whilst maybe being easier makes the moc-ing people upset and also goes against the entire point of Lego/Bionicle which is the toys/construction it also means we don’t have a recreatable model and the moc v art/free-for-all puts everything on an unfair table with it in arts favor.


But consider that we could permanently end Metru build discourse by going art only


Yeah we could but then more arguments would arise, it seems like a little bit of a cowardly way out (I don’t mean that in an insulting way) and tbh I think the Metru debate needs to happen as it is important to define what is and isn’t allowed and what would and would not be a Metru build it’s just that the way it’s going isn’t the best.

I unironically support this, it would fix so much garbage

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Watch, they’ll have an art contest only, and the final art will depict all the Hagah with Inika builds.

You can’t escape it. Bionicle taxonomy discourse is impossible to avoid.