Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

The issue with this is that then people would be super upset that there’s some eligibility test just to vote I mean did you see how mad people got during the Helryx contest when the requirement to vote was changed to needing to be level 1 now think of that buts its not just alts and trolls.

I don’t think an eligibility test would be effective. Anyone who has access to these polls has access to a search browser. In other words, assuming that the test is reasonably basic, it would be very easy for non-bionicle fans to cheat.

Edit 2 years later: oh no Cringe Atobri moment :weary:

Also if its only for new people than its kinda pointless since pretty much everyone who is going to vote in these contests has already joined the boards at this point.

It was just a joke tbh
please don’t start this


In my mind, during the vote there would be a big statement in bold letters just above the vote saying “Only vote for entries that you believe fit within the definition of a Metru build”.

If we are going to have any faith in voters, I think this is reasonable. But, maybe that’s just me.

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The point is to have fans prove that they know the canon they’re voting on. If they can look it up that’s fine as long as they know what they’re looking up.

That’s ignoring the fact that the entire premise of an eligibility test is a meme and a reference to the literacy tests designed to keep out ex-slave voters in Reconstruction America but good lord folks I can’t even finish this sentence with a straight face


only people who achieved the rank of master in the bzpower ultimate bionicle quiz 4 can vote


Insert completely unironic statement about the infeasibility of such a requirement because of BZPower or something, requiring an alternative method of verification

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“You’re in the votership, but we do not grant you the rank of master.”


New voting requirement:

You are only allowed to vote if you vote specifically for my mocs.

Thank you.


What? How can one vote in the contest and not be a master? This is outrageous. It’s unfair!


Were there rules on colorphotoshopping pieces? I see it as the same difference as a painted part but just wanted clarity

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In my opinion, any winning moc should be able to be built by anyone. That’s why in previous contests, solid paint recolors were allowed, but not intricate paintings, because they should be able to be replicated with relative ease.

Since you can’t photoshop in real life, I am leaning towards not allowing it.

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As it is, the art portion can change colors anyway.

Yes but you can paint. If someone photoshopped the hagah shield to be gunmetal because they werent a good painter, whats the difference than painting it? Theres not much of a true difference


Maybe, but to me it seems that painting the set wouldn’t replicate the winning moc, because the winning moc didn’t have paint on it. Maybe I’m being a bit overly pedantic, though.

Throwing my hat in the ring: if a Toa Hagah ends up having a 3D mask/non-flat gold (or silver) color scheme (which more than likely will happen), odds are that since the mask will have to be painted anyway, someone can also paint whichever pieces are recolored.


I’d be willing to bet that if you were to be given a panel of really well photoshopped Hagah shields and really well painted Hagah shields both to look gunmetal, you would be unable to tell which was which


To be clear, I’m fine with painting pieces a solid color, I was just saying that the photo of the winning moc probably shouldn’t have the colors edited via photoshop.

And yeah, I probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference if done well, but a part of me would want to replicate the winning moc in the exact same way that it was made. Like, if it was an official set, the paint would count as an official piece.

This is probably overly pedantic, and is just a personal preference, so I wouldn’t be super upset if photoshopping colors is allowed.


You WOULD be able to replicate it still. In fact, people paint parts to replicate an image they see all the time if their current part is an incorrect color

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