Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

That’s why he added this:

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oh, must have misread that…

If the Hagah had all been released alongside Iruini and Norik back in 2005, there is a very high probability that they would have been extremely similar to each other, to the point that we would have called them “clones”. This is the aesthetic of the Metru-Nui arc era, that is 2004 and 2005. This era is the era of cloning. Not respecting that betrays the spirit of that era and is a disservice to the canon IMO. I’ve said it times and times before in this topic but most people don’t seem to care about staying faithful to the spirit of the era.

Yes, that means they would be a boring clony toa team, but here’s the scoop: so are the other toa teams of that era, the Metru and the Hordika. If they are not boring and clony then they would not fit aesthetically within their own era. I understand that it would not be fun to moc them within these limitations but the fact that the Hagah do not translate into a fun moc contest is another problem altogether.

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If you want the Hagah to be clone sets of each other, then I see little reason to have a moc portion in the first place.


the fact is that we don’t want to completely make everything different, people want a little variety while keeping the aesthetic the same. Norik and iruini already have a few differences, mainly the chestplate, the shoulder armor, the lower legs. adding some unique elements to the other hagah wouldn’t be “totally disregarding the team’s aesthetics” . each toa would still be “metru styled”, each toa would still look like a toa hagah but everyone would have his “personality” suggesting that they came from different teams


I don’t necessarily disagree but it must be done very carefully in my opinion and I have seen a lot of posts here that want to introduce bigger deviations, which honestly frigthens me.

In particular, the metru thigh armor is the thigh armor of literally 100% of the canister sets of the 2004 and 2005 era that do have thigh armor. I have seen a lot of people that absolutely do not care about this so that’s probably one of the last time that I chime in about it. I know I won’t vote for any moc that does not have metru thigh armor because I want the remaining Toa Hagah to respect the aesthetic of the Metru-Nui arc era and that thigh armor is a staple of that era.


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They used the metric and high armor because that was the only piece they had at the time. Had the Metric build continued, we likely would have seen new pieces introduced, like the piraka and inika thigh armor. I fail to see why we should be as limited as set designers in 2005.


Because we are trying to decide the appearance of four members of a team of six toa from which we already have two as sets. Therefore, I think the four others should be designed within the same set limitations in order to be faithful to the spirit of the two others. That is simply my opinion.


bada bing bada boom this is one who gets it true

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It’s still undesirable to me to have to compromise being disappointed with some of the team members in the shot.
And sad to dampen community engagement.
I’d still love the moc contest even if they were “clones” or “near identical”
It honestly sounds like some people don’t really care about what the outcome is and just want it to be over. And trying to change the way the contest is ran to suit that end feels kind of less than genuine to the process.

On another note, does anyone know where I can find D-S-Creation-Forge? I was trying to look at 3-D parts but I cant find theirs anywhere

How so? Because there’s variance?

You keep saying that but I’m just not biting it. There are WAY less artists than there are moc-ists. That narrows down the pool drastically.
We’ve done this before. I just disagree. I don’t think its worth getting on this carousal again.

No I was asking what we were talking about. The ruleset Ghid put forth or the concept of skipping art? The variance comment was referring to Ghid’s rules.

I was referring to skipping mocs and going to art being undesirable (in my opinion)

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ok ok fine :sob:

Because rather than go build a Norik doppelganger to do the measurement I just used Norik as an example of the furthest extent something with chest armor should go. If these were a fully official proposal to the cast and crew I’d format it a little cleaner first and actually measure every dimension of the Metru torso and hips to make sure every possible configuration is taken into account.

I probably will still do that.

Excellent - this is why I wanted these rules torn apart. So that the community, and not Ghid, can mold an acceptable ruleset, and therefore be less divided about its inclusion.

Well… Less divided among the five people who are here

For the record I completely agree with you, and personally I think additional armor besides feet, chest, and shoulders is overkill and treads into the area of a primary color.

Everyone keep in mind that, with the Metru torso and hips, being a full head taller is theoretically possible. Ridiculously hard to achieve and kind of dumb-looking with the original pieces, but possible.

Except we have canon new mask shapes. New fanmocs and selfmocs using new mask shapes - FOUR new mask shapes. No way in blazes I’m going to turn down the opportunity to canonize FOUR new mask shapes even if I have no clue what they are.

Plus let’s be honest, nobody uses a particular mask in mocing because the power is cool, but because the shape is cool.

Minus the ominous “at your own risk” threat, this is almost exactly what I was saying, albeit tailored to the Hagah rather than just the Metru.

We’re not operating with fictional metals, as much of a fun red herring that is. We’re operating with completely factual plastic and possibly paints. They have to appear as metallic as LEGO’s color spectrum or LEGO has to have labeled them as metallic/reflective in their own labeling.

I.E. Flat red or trans-clear do not qualify as armor colors, whether painted or otherwise. And there’s some darn good painters who can match LEGO colors to a T, so this is hardly a limitation on their part.

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Good point. I like the sets even as simple as they are. I don’t need more complex or more diverse looking models just for the sake of it.


Which is there to discourage loopholes and canon bending. Custom torsos pose a signficant problem for this contest in particular. However since the vocal people want custom torsos, I don’t think we should ignore that part of the fanbase but we shouldn’t engourqage them to go wild with it. Because that’s when the loopholes starts to make their way through. Also the Metru torso isn’t a rare piece so I see no reason why we should not heaily engourage its use and construction over a custom torso. My rule allows anyone to do a custom torsos but it doesn’t engourage it. Because at the end of the day if your not mandating the metru torso construction you should at the very least heavily engourage it. I feel as though its a better compromise to say “Hey, you can do custom torsos but don’t think we won’t keep an eye on you.” than “go nuts only thing stopping you is this vague rule.” Also because of this it gives an insentive to go with the less canon bending option. However since you do seem to think that canon bending is completely fine I must strongly urge you to reconsider your stance its a canon contest after all.

We are operating with a fictional universe ergo we can use fictional metals.

Sounds like a bit of canon bending in of itself to make a new ‘precious metal’
I’m fairly certain that the term was used with relation to real world as well to give a gauge of what is considered based off of the precedent set

Fair argument, I personally am a purist so I would prefer more options that doesn’t require paint or purchases of super expensive parts but that’s just me.

Edit: Also I won’t concede on that torso arguement.

Well in that case, any color besides flat gold or silver will be against you, as the repainting of the Hagah shield would be required.