Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

Yeah, the Rahkshi are shinier. The most extreme example is the Kurahk.

Personally, I believe that using the “Kurahk white” would be metallic. Of course, I don’t know how you’d use the three pieces that came in that colour, but…

Is there anywhere I can find how Lego officially refers to those colours?

The best I can find right now is BrickLink, and it seems pretty legit, but I want to be sure.

The reason I don’t quite trust BrickLink is because, with the exception of the Kurahk, which is listed as Pearl White, it just lists the Rahkshi as their base colours (Red, Blue, Green, etc.), without any reference to the shininess.

So… do the canon designs disappear six months after the contests, or…?

What about these contests is “temporary”?

If you can’t state your point in a civil way, you don’t have a very good point.

And this isn’t like a face-to-face conversation where someone briefly lets their emotions get the better of them in a rapid-fire conversation and blows up; in the time it takes to gets your thoughts to your fingers and onto a computer screen, you gotta be able to catch yourself.

You’re absolutely right, it skews things.

Which is entirely why people on both sides should be endeavoring to present their arguments and reasonings as respectfully and reasonably as possible, because just since this topic went live I’ve seen people freak out because their points weren’t immediately taken as fact, circumvent the filter, strawman others arguments, get personal, and all manner of otherwise disrespectful behavior.

And the worst part is that it continues after I’ve warned people in this topic.

I recognize people care a lot, and might get heated. It’s why I haven’t suspended half of the people having this conversation yet. But there’s a difference between getting heated and repeatedly breaking board rules and ignoring admin requests to chill.

So really, if one side or the other wants to maintain the number of people arguing for their side, then the best route forward is for everyone to chill.


Im just going to throw this out there to reinforce my point. Virtually every person who’s been heavily involved in the conversation over the last two days has committed at least one suspend-able offence.

They’re still here.

Food for thought.


I’d love to. Not my call.

Don’t have to change your opinion either. Just be respectful about your stubbornness.


Bricklink doesn’t refer to LEGO colors the way LEGO refers to LEGO colors.

It’s immensely dumb, but LEGO has contrived names for almost all their colors. They changed the name of the color green to dark green so their new green could be green, and changed dark green to earth green to avoid conflict. Meanwhile Bricklink just gave the new green a new name like a normal person would.

Yeah, Bricklink tends to use terms adopted by the greater communities rather than LEGO’s - which is why we have Tan rather than Brick Yellow - and as for official LEGO color lists, I’m afraid I can’t help you there. All I have for reference are LUG-exclusive spreadsheets with some info on current parts, and that tends to include LEGO’s labeling. Surely a resource for that exists somewhere, but I don’t know where.

If anyone can find that, though, please post it here. That’d be a great resource not just for right now, but outside of the contest as well.

Now I want to see Kurahk foot spear for Kualus

oh uh btw guys I realized just now I have somewhere to be so uh I’ll be back in a couple years ok bye


I found this:


While it doesn’t list the official Lego names, it was reportedly made in Lego Digital Designer, which (as far as I know) was officially created by Lego.

And we can see in the seventh row that Lego used the same “metallic effect” on the Rahkshi colours as on the other metallic colours. This suggests that Lego sees these colours as metallic.

Obviously this isn’t conclusive, but it does use official Lego sources.


I personally see no problem (other than the incredibly limited piece availability/options) with considering those Pearl’d colours as Metallics. It’s really just a matter of whether or not they’re really usable in the contest context.

which honestly if someone makes a good Hagah moc with Rahkshi metallic pieces I wanna see it because that’s gotta be hard as hell.

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I was thinking about this, and, depending on how restrictive the final ruleset is, it could be done.

Use the feet for the Hagah’s feet, use either the feet (again) or the back covers as shinguards, use heads as shoulder armour, and then use yet another foot as the chest armour. Or you could give them the Roodaka treatment, I suppose.

This just leaves the mask and spear tip, both of which can be 3-d printed anyways.

I don’t think it would be the best-looking Hagah, but I personally believe that such a build would be close enough to Norik and Iruini so as to not be disqualified.

If you’re using the pearled rahkshi colors I dont think theres enough coverage. I’d see it could really only go like this: l
Rahkshi head for chest armor
Feet for feet
Rahkshi backs for shoulder armor

And thats all of the pearl colors. Mask and thigh armor would have to be painted, and those colors all seem tricky

By all means go for it still, there just doesnt seem be enough parts imo.


(For legal reasons, this is a joke)


I’ll allow it

Does anyone have any tips for smoothing out a 3D printed mask to look more natural to a Bionicle one?


filler primer and sanding. a lot of filler primer and sanding

or print it with a resin printer and not worry about it because it’s already smooth


resin printers are the bomb they’re cheap, but the only downside is that the resin kicks up a heck of an odor


Well, this is basically the entire premise of Hagah masks.




the Hagah ignored their standard mask shapes to look cool


Except Thickiruni, he was cool enough to mod his mask coincidentally off another Kualsi user.
(We know what you did there Thickiruni)


The darkside of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural

Sorry if this contributes towards the Metric build discourse, but how well do shorter shoulders look? I’m curious if it’s feasible to make a light armored variant.

Could be a cool variant, but I’d understand if it doesn’t fit the Hagah.


Using the Metru shoulder armor on the standard torso, due to the height and angle, causes the shoulders to collide with the head on rotation no matter which Metru mask. This is problematic for the ultra Metru purist because gear function is one of the major upsides to the Metru torso.

On a custom torso utilizing the same proportions and size parameters as listed in my Ghid Rules because I do, there is no restriction on the angle of the joint, which means it’s likely completely feasible to not only pull it off, but make it look good too.

I’m not someone super used to the appearance of the Metru build with bushing, and in a random lot I received there was a Matau who had the shoulders closer by one unit - I spent an hour trying to figure out what was wrong without piecing together the different shoulder design. So in my opinion - or perhaps in my ignorance - it works very well visually.

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So is there anyone else in the camp of not really caring about all the exact specifics of the rules? Like in my case, I’m just so excited to have a true representation for these guys. I’ve always thought they were so cool! I’m confident people aren’t going to vote for something egregious. That said, I also don’t think the debate ruins the contests at all, just makes them interesting (when it’s civil, of course).


Just dropping these here, made these consensus polls 3 days ago and posted them to various Bionicle Facebook groups and the subreddit. Must say the results speaks for themselves.

LGBTQ+ Positive Bionicle Group:

Bionicle community group page:

Piece out:
