Toa Hagah Canon Contest Ruleset Feedback

It didn’t come from fan pestering though? It was just a singular question like any other, and Greg gave his straight answer (granted, there was a follow-up clarification, but that’s not pestering either). Additionally, it makes total sense from an in-universe perspective, as opposed to the opposite, as I explained here:

In regards to this, it gets very murky in what counts as “one metallic color.” I made this chart to compare Bricklink’s listings vs. LEGO’s colors:

I think it’d be wierd to go by either of these measures, given that a fair number of these colors are really close together; for instance, the two colors that Bricklink pairs under Pearl Dark Gray, and the vast majority of the silver colors. On the other hand, the copper colors are very distinct in reality.

Was there any response in regards to the Vahki lower torso debacle?


But didn’t Greg specify that it’s his actual face, not just a helmet?

And, unless Greg directly addressed the contradiction, this one takes precedence.

Backwards-torso-Inika-armour technique.

This seems like an oddly specific rule. I can understand mandating handheld shields over forearm-mounted shields, but mandating the exact “storage” method seems kind of pointless; in addition to the thigh-mount possibility, there’s also the possibility of action shots, such as the one described above.

As long as the shield doesn’t obstruct key parts of the design, I don’t see why its exact location has to be restricted; I can’t even imagine how this freedom could possibly be abused.

While I can see where you’re coming from, I don’t see how this could be implemented without adding a whole bunch of review time to every single entry.

I agree with this; there was an interesting point raised a while back about how the questions that led to the “masks are wrong-shaped” statement were somewhat leading. I understand that we don’t want to be pestering Greg about every little detail, but if you’re asking anyways…

This one’s definitely okay; it appeared in No One Gets Left Behind.

Because most of these rules are centred around visually matching these Hagah with Norik and Iruini. It would be kind of pointless to have all of these restrictions to ensure build cohesion with the existing sets, only for an Art piece to require WholesomeGadunka levels of greebling and painting to actually build.

Also, @Mesonak, I have a question about entry parameters: could one do a kind of hybrid Art-MOC entry?

For example, say that I’ve been workshopping a MOC for a while now, but I’m concerned that I may not be able to obtain the necessary parts and paint them in time for the contest; could I enter a very rough sketch showing the intended colours alongside a random-coloured MOC showing how it would be built?


No, he said it’s a helmet. Same quote as the one saying it was not mask-related.

The link I provided says otherwise.

In 2007, Greg stated that the pieces was Hydraxon’s actual face.

The quote saying it’s a helmet not based on a Kanohi was in 2010.


And that mocs art wasn’t heavily based on doubles winning entry or on actual LEGO parts?

Again has its shape based on prototypes

Had Inika, miramax Roodaka and Toa Metru as source material.

All of these share one thing in common they are based on real LEGO things though I believe Nikila is the extreme of this because she is a mix of so many styles which makes her accurate recreateability very limiting. As for the other two they have really solid physical counter parts from which you can see the inspiration. I know you wont agree but I don’t want another Nikila case and thus I’m not gonna vote for any art entries that does a Nikila and strays to far from the LEGO parts. For me Bionicle has always been the toys over canon so I rather take a moc that I can build and play with that adheres to the canon over most anything

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Okay yeah.

But at atleast 3 other instances he has maintained that it is a helmet:

If it matters enough (which I don’t think it does), then perhaps this should also be brought to his attention…? I think it’s more likely Greg had not established the specifics yet at the time of the first quote; as Greg has said prior, he reserves the right to change his mind on things.

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I think there definitely has to be an option for the base forms to be recognized for what they are (plus also maybe base forms of the Mahri [and maybe even Inika] masks). I’m not going to pretend I can give objective rules on what’s “close enough”, but the obvious ones have to have their powers included with the mask.

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I agree with this. It’s definitely not a deal breaker, but it seems a bit strange to be so particular about it. As long as it’s possible for the shield in question to be held by the hand, the exact location of it in the image is kind of an arbitrary thing to be specifying.

My concern here is that someone could argue “Toa don’t wear the MoEE regularly, so how could it be commemorated?”

My response would be that Sokoda’s set has Matoro wearing the Ignika, which he donned for maybe a few seconds in-story. A grand, past usage of this mask in MU history by some hero should warrant it, IMO.

Furthermore, the quote about “past heroes” seems to imply that the masks were modeled after notable Kanohi, not just any heroic person’s face/helmet/whatever. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not particularly bothered by this one either way though.

Other than the fact that I really like Nikila’s artwork and would gladly see more like it, I won’t argue this point because I was under the (false) impression you had a much more specific opinion on what qualified as “inspired by LEGO pieces”, so that’s my bad for assuming. I can see why someone would have concerns about radically divergent work, but sometimes people can get upset by things that don’t match existing part molds very exactly. Sorry!

What I will say is that if it’s Toys > Canon for you, then a Canon Contests ruleset might not necessarily be the place where the rules line up with your preferences, just due to the nature of the beast if nothing else.

Looking at existing differences between Great/Noble/Mutated/Adapted masks kind of suggests there’s not much of a precedent and it could hypothetically be anything.

Not saying that’s good, or that I don’t like consistent designs. Just saying there’s not a lot of canon-based ground for arguing mask forms look alike.

Its more Toys > Canon and Canon > Mocs, I definately care about the canon too don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t be here otherwise but since canons core is argueably the toys emulating the original G1 toys will always be a plus for me


Outside of the Shadow Matoran nobles, and the stinger on the Felnas, the Makuta masks are shapeshifted, not mutated. So really they could look like anything - Although the Phantoka masks are probably close to their original form, given their resemblance with the mutated nobles.


Do we know these aren’t mutated? Those Matoran clearly underwent other physical mutations…

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I was saying they are mutated, but the Makuta’s masks are not.

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Ah, I get it.

Still means the base forms could look like pretty much anything, technically, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thak you for all the answers!
But, I am sorry if I am stupid, but I ultimately don’t understand that point and its reasoning:

Like Toa are beings with free will, so they can put their shileds wherever they want to. Why they must be only in their hands or backs? Or do you mean that they can’t have upside-down shields or forearm-mounted shileds for sake of uniformity within the group (like with, for example, Romanian legionaries), but they can be posed with their shields in any way?

I think anything that resembles Felnas/Shelek as closely as (for example, same can be said for Toa Metru’s Noble/Great Kanihi shapes) Kanohi Nuva resemble Toa Mata’s Kanohi is okay. And as far as I can tell, Kanohi Nuva share at least one feature/shape/part with Toa Mata’s Kanohi (such as eyeshpaes on Pakari, mouthshapes & eyeshapes on Hau etc.). That, and no teeth or sting for respective Kanohi. Just my thoughts.

I think (I hope) the Cast still gathers feedback on the matter.


I’m torn on Hydraxon’s case. The specific passage from Origin of the Rahaga is this:

Each of the six wore a Kanohi mask forged in the shapes worn by the great heroes of the past.

I’m not native english so I’m not 100% sure, but based on the construction of the sentence, I’d tend to consider that the Hagah masks are forged in the shapes of Kanohi worn by great heroes of the past. Whether Hydraxon’s is a helmet or his actual face doesn’t matter in that case, as neither are actual Kanohi per se, which makes its shape invalid for a Hagah mask. I’d love to be corrected by an actual native english speaker though, as I actually liked the idea of being able to use this part as an actual mask for once.


I’m a native English speaker and it definitely (though subtly) appears to be that way. There was a similar conversation earlier in this topic that came to the same conclusion, too.


Will there be any limitations towards the poses on the artwork or the mobility of the characters?
Cause many of the more modern Metru builds change the articulation through modding the arms and the back so I was curious (because f.e it seems that waist articulation is a no-go due to the pieces used so yeah, I was just a bit unsure about that).

I would seriously hope that the articulation in the artwork pieces don’t have to line up with real articulation points - even official canister set art doesn’t do that…

Also I’m already drafting character poses. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The earlier conversation was not exactly on the same subject, actually.

I started the topic of Hydraxon’s mask by stating that the contest would give us a one of a kind opportunity to canonize the Hydraxon’s faceplate part as a Kanohi of unknown power. The idea was to have whoever crafted Hydraxon’s armor reuse the shape of that kanohi for Hydraxon’s faceplate. That particular idea does not work because Greg very specifically stated that the faceplate was not based off an existing Kanohi.

@Tarkur suggested that it could still work as a Hagah mask if Hydraxon himself was the hero that they honored. This is the way that @Mesonak seem to have taken with respect to this issue. I’m still torn because Origin of the Rahaga seems to state that it must be a Kanohi shape, not just any shape of anyone’s face or helmet, but at the same time I’d still kinda like to use it ha ha.

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I do, but as has been said, this is a canon contest and I’m prioritising consistency with the extant models over spectacle of build.

If these were just separate characters, confirmed to be Metru builds but with no existing models, then I’d be more accepting of the more outlandish designs that are still within the limits. But since we have Norik and Iruini, it becomes a little more complex.

All my respect to people that do want to push the limits of what technically fits in the rules, but when it comes to characters that are part of established groups of sets, consistency with those sets is my priority.

If, for example, TTV decided to hold a contest to decide the appearance of Gar, I’d be looking exclusively for MOCs that are legitimately just recolours of Dekar or Defilak, with the one exception of eyepieces because I don’t think anyone displays their Mahritoran without adding eyes. Same with Dezalk, I’m aware that a VNOG sprite has been canonised as him, but if he were given a contest I’d want the winner to look like he could’ve been released alongside the Voyatoran in 2006.

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