You might think that this guy is joking, but quite frankly, I think his boldness and creativitiy is inspearing
ok you weren’t even trying that time
just get to the point if you’ve got one
I think most of the opinions in this topic are skewered
What, you can’t handle a few spear puns?
Nah, any more and he’ll tip over.
Coming into this pun train late makes you feel like you got the short end of the stick. Funny, this whole thread was suppose to be a pole. I thought that one was bad but honestly, halberd could it be?
Didn’t Ghid make a puntainment thread for this
Although to be fair, I haven’t really interacted with this topic too much. Maybe I should give a stab at it.
this is eerily similar to the rp death I pun’d into eternity
please, keep it up
But keep it original, don’t just reposte old puns.
Puns aside, I hope the Hagah get a satisfying aspearance
you disgust me.
there is no such thing.
I’m just waiting for the Greg response that’ll make this thread explode with a thousand posts, just like the good ol’ days
If they say it’s time to move on from puns, I’ll just ignorik.
Hope nobody’s iruining the fun.
Either way, I don’t have much worry about the team cohesion, as I generally believe the results will be positive. As I’ve been experimenting with a Gaaki, there’s not that much I could alter from set standards due to how compact the sets are. Even trying to replace double-sockets from the thighs with custom solutions would in most instances start infringing the height limit (as a double-socket is 5-length and 2 normal sockets together 6-length). Same with the spear tips, as most custom solutions become needlessly bulky.
It’s a very minimalist contest I think, and I think that’s gonna push the focus on how the contestants will armor their entries, as minimal, but unique armor solutions are probably most in line with the Hagah sets. That’s how I feel anyway, but I don’t know how much the voters are willing to flex the standard set by Norik and Iruini.
But in good faith, I generally favor the standard method.
If people are really that worried about the cohesion in the end, say there’s an outlier in the final team, I guess you could hold a vote to ratify the results before the art portion. If that doesn’t pass, you let them vote to swap out one of the winning team members to a more fitting one. Frankly unnecessary in my opinion, but just toassing it out there if there’s so many worrywarts.
I miiiiiiiiiiiight have a technique to fit within those height restrictions that would make a lot of people mad, but it does technically exist as a possibility
definitely semi illegal if not fully illegal but if gets people gaaking at my technical prowess it’s worth it imo
i would very much like to see that.
don’t make me use the image.
Okay we all love to Pouks fun and make puns but theres one Hagah that hasn’t been punned Bomong-us yet
This topic has bordered on spam for quite some time, and we’ve let it go because people are having fun goofing of, but there has been no productivity for a while now.
Move it elsewhere, please.