wait, what?
oh. Well there goes that design.
wait, what?
oh. Well there goes that design.
I’m pretty sure. I may be wrong, though I know for sure that shin armor is disallowed because the rules want to encourage metallic color blocking similar to the original sets. I’m fairly certain that thinking extends to back armor as well.
It does, apparently.
the metallic armor is restricted to the feet, thighs, chest, shoulders, mask, shield, and spear tip.
You could reason that you can have non-metallic armor on the back, but that frankly doesn’t make much sense unless it’s the same color as the torso piece.
Man not sure iam going to enter this contest. Mainly cause I haven’t started building anything yet because I am not sure what I can and can’t build yet. And four mocs to build at once in around three weeks or so is a tall order for me.
boi just make four metru builds, two of which have the same armor and the other two of which match with lhikan and iruni, give them spears and masks and you’ll be sitting pretty.
I suppose I could slap something together just to be involved.
Also just wanted to express my concerns and thoughts to anyone listening. Will people be able to vote for individual mocs or will it be just voting for all four of one person. I feel it should be individual because what if you like one toa and not the other three. I understand it could be complicated but just a thought.
Also does anyone know if custom shields are aloud?
This is still up in the air. One of the original points of this topic was to act as a poll/discussion for that question, and we’re still waiting for an update and/or decision from TTV, who, in turn, are still waiting for a reply from Greg about Kanohi-related questions before giving an update.
The most recent TTV answer I can find says yes, but that it will be changed to a Rhotuka shield in the final, to-be-canonized depiction.
Oh that’s good about the shield. Cause I don’t even own one Rohtuka shield let alone 4.
Must shields and masks be painted the same color of the Toa armor? For example, can I use a golden Rhotuka shield and a red kanohi in a gunmetal Toa? The colors will be corrected later in the drawing team part.
Not sure about the shields, but:
“Finally, valid concerns about the limited number of official metallic masks have prompted us to change the mandate for that rule. You will allowed to use non-metallic masks, with the understanding that your mask will be recolored in the group art contest to match the shade of metallic armor on your MoC.”
Given that this was allowed because of a “limited number of metallic masks”, I’d assume it would also be allowed for the shields.
What distribution of metal colors would you like to see for the Toa Hagah?
Personally I would like indvidual metal colors for them but I made this poll to see the community’s opinion on the matter
0 voters
1/1/1/1/1/1 would be interesting, but not something I would want personally because it could make the Hagah look too different from one another. As an elite team of guards, they need a certain degree of uniformity. Hence why I would prefer 2/2/2 with gunmetal as the third colour, or 3/3 of silver and gold.
Additionally, I will probably be preferentially voting against entries with colours other than those three, because I think it’s very unlikely (without very specific rules) that we’ll ever get a perfect 1/1/1/1/1/1 split through blind or semi-blind voting.
Question: say a piece of artwork wins during the free for all. Would that artwork then be presented to Greg to be canonized, or would there be another art contest after it?
(sorry, I didn’t mean to reply to Tarkur’s post)
I think its the group art that will be cannonized but since I don’t make the rules I really can’t answer that.
Voted 2/2/2, but I’m also fine with 3/3 and 1/1/1/1/1/1 as well.
Are any indication in the lore how each Hagah look? I don’t mean about the armor, but if one of them is bulkier, taller, torso inverted, etc.
Not that I’m aware of.
Reread Dwellers in Darkness a little bit ago, and nothing in there stood out to me in that regard. In general Greg doesn’t give descriptions like that in his texts, except through forum answers. And since no one’s brought descriptions like those up before, I’m assuming they don’t exist until proven otherwise.
Ah gotta get those details right. Can’t afford to ignorik
…I’m not sorry
I asked the same question earlier, and it seems any hands are fine. I personally think Mata hands are best for this contest, but there’s no rules about it that I know of.