Toa Knight Velika, The Crafter (The Disguised Great Being)

" The bird soars through the sky. But if I were a colossus, and the sky was beneath my feet, could it truly be said the bird flew underground? "
— Velika, Power Play

The last member of the Voya Nui resistance to join the Toa Knights, Velika the Crafter.

Upon becoming Toa, his transformation drew attention, as unlike all Toa, his core was not in his chest, but exposed on his back. Everyone thought it was a side effect of a faulty Karzahni build.

Arthaka offered to fix him, but Velika refused. He accepted his new form. Always willing to help, especially in creating new ways to evolve the Kingdom. But he does not tolerate threats or risks, if something or someone represents a risk to his projects or the Kingdom in any way, he will not hesitate to exterminate the source with his evolved Power Cavers.

Everyone thinks he’s like that because he wants everyone’s safety, but we know the truth. He is The Disguised Great Being and still hasn’t given up on returning to Spherus, and that’s why he collaborates on projects for the construction of a new spaceship. His exposed core on his back is not Karzahni’s fault, but a side effect of the power toa dealing with the essence of a GB.

Origin: the origin of this one is almost the same as the other two, except for the fact that he is a Great Being disguised as a matoran. With that in mind, I thought of making a very different set from the other sets by Toas Balta and Dalu, but following the same principles. I kept a foot piece on the breastplate and an armor piece on the leg of the set.


But the main difference is the fact that he is still a Great Being inside a Matoran’s body. So I figured his transformation was more different or “traumatic”. I imagined the transformation trying to expel GB’s essence, as a result, Velika’s core is exposed on its back. As a result, I generated an “engine” back to keep Velika’s core functional in his body.

Note: I found out on a few days ago that, according to Greg, that Velika from the Kingdom AU is not a GB. This shook me up a bit because I built this whole set based on the fact that it would still be one GB. But I went after a little bit about this info and it gave me some doubts. For me, I think Greg said that but didn’t think about the consequences or plot holes because of that statement.

Note 2: I didn’t delve too deeply into the subject, I found some references and quotes from Greg but I believe there are more, so the position I’m going to put here is my opinion at first, but I’m totally open to discussion.

In the Kingdom AU, the only fact that has changed from the mainline is that Matoro has failed in his mission. So, until that moment, everything is the same as the main story. But, the matoran Velika has a fundamental role in the history of Voya Nui because he built the weapons of the Toa Inika. If what Greg said is true, then matoran Velika also has the same building capacity as a GB who is known to be an excellent engineer and inventor? And let’s assume that’s true, for Velika to have arrived on Voya Nui, he would have had to make the same decisions that the GB made throughout history to end up in the same place as the GB. So basically did Matoran and GB have the same history over a period of thousands of years? So basically there is no difference between Matoran and GB? Sorry, but I don’t buy that idea. For Velika to get where he did in the Kingdom, for me he would have to remain the same undercover GB that we followed in the main story. Not to mention that without considering that Velika of the Kingdom is a GB, in theory we don’t know anything about this matoran. Do you agree? Disagree? Let’s talk about!


Really neat build, although the hands feel a little bit too small but eeh still looks great


This is interesting; I like the exposed power core concept.

Lore-wise, though, Velika would have been a normal Matoran in this reality, so it’s interesting to see how he might look different; was he still sent to Karzahni? If not, he’d probably have a different mask and weapons.


So, I believe this is the main point that I question. We know nothing about Matoran Velika (at least I couldn’t find anything), the only information Greg provides is that he is not a GB.

Therefore, in theory, the only thing that changes in the lore, explicitly and officially, is that the main story remains the same and only diverges after Matoro’s failure.

I believe he had a different trajectory from the GB, but we have no information of that kind. So, I ended up keeping my set based on the original set and assuming that he is still a GB in this reality because without that, it’s difficult to work on any concept, haha.


Love the build, but I believe Velika is stated to be male, like other Po-Matoran. Apart from that, I love how you’ve designed the torsos for the Voyatoran Toa. It’s a unique look, and you captured it perfectly.


it was just a spelling mistake, I’m not fluent in English and sometimes the translator plays a trick on me :sweat_smile:


Nice build, I really like the back of the torso and the weapons!


I’ve actually put quite a bit of thought into this myself as well, even before seeing your MOC.

The thing that I’ve always found interesting about Velika is that, even if it wasn’t intentional, there was actually some evidence in the 2006 novels that Velika was a Great Being, or at least that he knew more than he was letting on. The most relevant example of this is the fact that it was Velika who knew how to counteract the enslaving effects of the Antidermis on the Matoran. How did he know what was enslaving them? How did he know that Energized Protodermis would fix it?

Neither of these questions are answered in the story, literally being explained as “[Velika] insists it will free our friends from the effects of the zamor spheres”. However, knowing that Velika is a Great Being, this knowledge makes sense; of course a Great Being would know how those substances work. This theory is further supported by the fact that it was Velika himself that “found” the pool.

So, given how important Velika’s Great Being knowledge was to the story, and given the fact that the Kingdom universe remained the same as the prime universe until Matoro’s failure to make it to Karda Nui in time, my conclusion is that Velika was absent from the events of 2006 in this storyline, his role being filled by the alternate version of the Great Being in a different body while the real Velika remained on his home island and eventually became a Toa as a stranger to Balta and Dalu.

This of course, would mean that Velika was never rebuilt in The Kingdom, and has a different mask and weapons.

Then, just for fun, I would propose that Kingdom Velika wears a Rau. Greg has previously said that in The Kingdom, the hidden Great Being would likely be a Matoran that we met in the Mata Nui Online Game, meaning that he took over a Metru Nui Matoran. Assuming that the Great Being’s plans are the same in both universes (which they must be), that means that he also took over a Metru Nui Matoran in the prime universe (or, in other words, Velika was placed on Metru Nui by the Great Beings).

So, having narrowed down that Velika likely wore one of the twelve Metru Nui masks, I propose that he wore a Rau simply to allow for a pre-rebuilding Velika MOC to be built with existing parts.

(It can’t be a Great-shaped Komau because that’s the mask he had after going through Karzahni, and we know Karzahni changed their masks)


Dude, that makes perfect sense. There’s really no way the Kingdom’s Velika could have passed through Voya Nui. I’ll have to go back to the drawing board to think of a new set with this in mind. I liked the proposal of the Rau mask.


Very nice! Buffed and bulky like all Toa of Stone should be. I also appreciate how you kept much of the color scheme from the Matoran shape.


Ooh this moc is awesome. Cool design choices and the lore is fun to read! Overall, very nice


I definitely like this design I can totally see him looking like this officially.