Toa Mahri Matoro Revamp!

sigh I have lost both my Tryna and ignika, therefore I just used the first version of the Mask of life

I know that you have lost your Tryna, but still, that mask is terrifying.

xD very true

Very nice, although I’m not quite sure I like the lack of blue and the Tryna.

I too wish that I had more blue. I originally had some, but it seemed to overwhelming for the design. I have lost a great part of my old bionicle parts so…:frowning:

I thought it made Matoro look sadder, like he knew he was destined to die.

Yeah…He was pretty quiet and secretive. Then having to keep that mask. He also wasn’t much of a fighter so I think it fits him well. Read what I said up there^. Also, out of contents: I always loved that commercial with Jaller throwing him the mask and just flying away with the words “I’ll take it from here…” It just always got to me for some reason. Like how he was just so excepting of death