After many, many iterrations they are finally done and up for display in my room. All 11 of my Toa Mangai MOCs! The free instructions can be found here:
The Ga-Toa is probably Naho?
Anyways I like that their are weapons so creative. I also like Rode guys asymmatry. The golden Armour on the Po-Toa looks nice.
Hey, yes the Toa of Water is Naho ;). Thanks!
Will you do the rest later?
Maybe another Toa of Ice but that is probably it because I feel like there are already some good designs for Nidhiki and Tuyet.
I do have a ‘The Shadowed One’ MOC in store though.
oh hey, I just watched your video about these guys yesterday! I like the weapons you gave them.
Ah Nice
Would love to see that
Yea there sure are a lot of good designs of them out there
The Toa are nice! I like the Ice Toa’s shurikens!
Nice arm design on the blue and one never would have thought of that.
These look great
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I like these, ESPECIALLY the Toa of Plantlife.
Zane is that you?
I was definitely inspired by Ninjago there
I really like how they look, though I feel like they could use some tires to fit on to the upper arms.
Nice! The Toa of Plantlife is probably my favorite of the group, but I also really like how Naho turned out.
Hi, thanks! That may be a nice addition, especially for the Earth one.
I love especially The Toa of Plantlife, and his Axe!
Many thanks!