Toa Mangai Naho, The Water Arrow

“Then everything went wrong. The Water Toa managed to escape through the Dark Hunters’ lines and swim across the ocean. On the first island she reached, she crawled onto the Turaga and begged Metru Nui for help.”
— Narrator, Legacy of Evil

This is my new version of the Toa of water Naho.

I gave her a new body, 100% custom, and I took advantage of the comments on my first post of her and tried to make her less “blocky”. I hope I got it hehe. Added some more silver accents to the armor to go along with the tube designs along the body.

About the bow, it is no longer held in the hand and can be “disabled” and placed on the back.

About the mask, I still chose to keep the one I was using before but I tried to experiment a little with the other open source hunas that we have out there. I even did a poll on my instagram between the old mask and this aqua huna but it literally ended in a tie.

I particularly prefer the old one with this set, even for it to oppose the strong expression of the tuyet mask. And, perhaps pushing it a bit, I believe it could be considered a more elegant/soft/succinct version of huna. In the image below I highlight some similarities between it and the other versions of Hunas that we have out there.

I’m still open to suggestions for masks to put on my naho, or open the debate on which mask would look best on it.

It’s a pretty stable set to be posed in a variety of poses.

A little more about the bow. Yes! It works. And more than that, it is possible to store it on the back, as I mentioned earlier. There’s a video in my post that you can see here showing me taking it off Naho’s back and activating it again. I was also challenged by a member of the community to try to make this bow 100% functional, that is, to be able to actually shoot.

So I got it!! I managed to make a lego bow that really fires! I didn’t have time to take new pictures of Naho using it, but you can check out the new bow and arrow in these videos here.

Some comments about design and goals I had for my Naho, I keep almost all of them and, as I already did that in my old post, I’ll just quote it here for those who are interested in these details of my Naho. Toa Naho by kutorakh


ah neat, this looks much better!


That bow is obviously pretty great, but I really love the tubing details in the chest.


Great, the colour scheme is nice and I love the bow. The rest of the build looks awesome as well.


The colourscheme is great, a nice contrast to the more evil-looking Tuyet. As for the mask: while I am a proponent of Huna-Naho, in this case, I prefer the Mask of Direction - the aqua Huna looks a little too angry for her.


Exactly!! This was a problem I found with all the Hunas I tried, and none I liked because of it. That’s why I got Mask of Direction


@Bukkey Your Tuyet is featured here :joy:


Splendid build. Love the transforming function for the bow


This is great! I wish I could build it… I need more medium blue…


Hi guys! i’ve updated my Naho to be something lika an outcast/vigilant.