“According to Bionicle series writer Greg Farshtey, the fusion of six toa is called a Toa Nui. The sheer power of a single Toa Nui would rival that of Mata Nui himself. In the known history of the Bionicle, there has never been a Toa Nui formed…until now.”
-M. J. Ramberg
I’ve long wanted to make a make a Toa Nui and to see what it might look like. So I searched on the web to get ideas. I found several versions of the Toa Nui, but I came across two problems with these versions of the Toa Nui. Many were over crowed with too many parts, and the others (while they looked AWESOME) were structurally weak.
This is my version of what I think the Toa Nui might look like, while trying to keep it elegant and structurally sound. I think the Toa Nui would look more like a fusion of Wairuha and Akamai. With the right side representing Akamai and the left side representing Wairuha. (Pieces were only used from the Toa Mata set.)
I got inspiration from the designs of Toa Katia and one design by M. J. Ramberg. (http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/32340)
Here’s my version of the Toa Nui without his weapons:
When designing the Toa Nui, I found that there were two designs that looked really good. I really like the first version’s feet and I really like the second versions body. Unfortunately there wasn’t enough pieces to do both.
This is the 2nd version without weapons:
This is the 2nd version with weapons:
I thought that the Toa Nui should have two weapons. The first should represent the combined powers of Akamai and the second to represent the combined powers of Wairuha. Akamai is equipped with a fire sword and a club, so I combined them into a flaming hammer that could control lava/ magma. I saw many versions of Wairuha with a bow and I really like this idea, so I used it to create a crossbow that has the power to control storms.
This is The Magma Hammer. I like how it combines the weapons of Tahu, Ouna, and Pohatu all in one go. I find it slightly funny that it’s an oversive Claw-hammer that’s on fire (a claw-hammer is the standard hammer every has in their home). Tahu’s sword could also be used like a pickaxe.
This is the Lightning CrossBow. If you remember, Gali and Lewa once combined their powers to create a giant storm, which shot lightning at the Bohrok. (This was in the 2002 comics)
Heres the back with Kopaka’s shield attached.