The general design for this Toa came from a cobbled together Toa made by one of my cousins a few years ago. The BIONICLE made by my cousin used the head and torso of Hero Factory Duncan Bulk’s 1.0 design and some cobbled together arms and legs. Overall, the design wasn’t the worst I’ve ever seen, but the lack of armor and mismatched colors definitely made it clear it was put together from spare parts without a consistent idea in mind.
I remade that model in LDD, and then proceeded to “upgrade” the model’s design, particularly the torso and arms. I largely left the legs alone during the “upgrading” process, aside from their coloration.
Enough talking of the development of the model, though. I used the colors Bright Red, Dark Red, Medium Grey, Titanium Metallic, and Silver Metallic as the color scheme of this Toa. The model would stand about 224 mm tall if it were a real model, and is made of 123 pieces. I again colored the Pins and Axles the colors that they would be had this been a physical model.
There is a “Voodoo Foot” on his back that is there simply to keep his back from being too flat or too unprotected. I have decided that it is an “armored backpack” with a ball joint socket on the outside for attachment of extra tools, weapons, or other items too big to fit in the “backpack” itself.
I will attempt to be a little more creative with this Toa than I was with my last Toa, which can be found here. This is largely because the second to last version of this Toa’s design featured a coloration that reminded me of a friend of mine’s favorite colors, which I used as a spring board for some of the following info.
NAME: Jaru (any relation to a real life entity is purely coincidental)
TOA TEAM: Toa Manu (Pronounced maw-new)
–1 Large Blade in the right hand; Primary Weapon; Bottom of hilt can also be used as a club if desired; Has 2 Fans on the Blade for defensive moves (Ex: kicking up dust/dirt to blind opponent); Notches in the Blade’s design can be used to trap an opponent’s weapon.
–2 Large Claws attached to left fore arm; Used primarily for offensive moves.
–1 Small Blade in the left hand; Used in conjunction with the 2 Large Claws on his fore arm as his main secondary attack; Can also be used in conjunction with the 2 Large Claws to trap an opponent’s weapon in between the Claws and the Blade.
–Armored Backpack; can hold small items for Jaru that he doesn’t immediately need; comes with a ball joint socket on the outside for attachment of extra tools, weapons, or other items too big to fit in the backpack itself.
PERSONALITY: Much like Jaller’s personality.
KANOHI: Great Mask of Leaping; Allows user to leap long distances in a single bound or jump to great heights; softens landings of long falls to prevent damage to user.
Front View:
Right Side View:
Back View:
Aerial Front Right View:
Top View:
Pose 1:
Pose 2:
Pose 2 with scenery, Rahi, and a Ta-Matoran:
I’ll make topics for the Rahi and the Ta-Matoran at a later date.
Pose 3 (Toa Manu group photo pose):
Pose 3 Side:
Pose 3 Lower Torso and Legs:
Rendering engine used is Bluerender.
Any and all constructive criticism/feedback is welcome.