Toa scervorch

Whelp here’s the second toa in the team

Sorry for the scrambled pictures


The arm/leg design is a lot better. Although, does he have a fire fidget spinner?


moved to the Lego Creations Category -square

Suffer the same issue of lengthy proportions not working from prior mocs, the neck and small hands/feet what make it more bare.

The gold piece on the chest isn’t too distracting to say the least…

No, it’s a ninja star​:smile::exclamation:

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historically they would not be practical, it’s possible to make a big sharuken but only as big as a dinner pate can be thrown

the chest looks too basic

Yah it kind of functions as a shield thing

@Bloodarchmage Historically, throwers were not bio-mechanical :stuck_out_tongue:

The Moc is too tall and lanky; the only picture he looks pretty cool in is where he is pulling back his bow from the side. In this case, it’s because his right arm looks well armoured, and his double-joint in the shouler isn’t visible. Additionally, his third leg segment is posed interestingly, instead of just straight like in many other pictures.

The main problem is that you’re aiming for a tall finished product, but it’s costing the aesthetic more than it benefits it. Take off the frivolous friction adders on his thighs, remove the extra shoulder joint, and thicken him out a little bit. Even if the intent is to make a slender character, it’s too far.

As others have said, this moc again feels taller than it should be. It’s nice you use the extenders on the legs, but I don’t think you need three of them, as it leaves this awkward looking unarmored area on the side. Also, the chest is pretty basic again and the neck feels too long

The arms stick out too much.
The legs ar very awkward.

Ok so I gave him extra Shoulder bones to slow for acurate archer positioning .

Yes, but they still look awkward. You can use other methods to do cool poses with the arms.

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I think you should make a custom torso with the shoulder joints in really far, and then add extra CCBS bones, if you know what I mean.

i’m talking about real ninja here