Here’s the back, nothing special really. I tried to cover up most of the exposed parts the best I could, but I’ll probably change some things later on.
Well here’s Voriki, my first moc for 2016. Sorry for the bad camera lighting, I haven’t gotten my new lights yet. Anyway, comment on any improvements I can make, and hopefully I can make him better. Thanks!
I’ve got to give you props, because I thought that mask was just badly Photoshopped with that first photo. Then I saw it was 3D printed. That’s pretty amazing.
Nah, if he’s gonna make a bad PS, he’d screw up the MOC, but with the 3D printing it looks very very amazing. Looks great, I need a hand (pun strongly intended) in getting those hands
Simple but effective. I really like the 3d printed mask and hands (I believe that’s one of Leewan’s designs). The neck and shoulders seem a bit awkwardly shaped but nice MOC overall.
No offence, but did people actually believe that the old Voriki leak was legit? I mean, that thing clearly wore a poorly photoshopped pakari. Good MOC, though.
I like to believe that everyone was a lot younger then, and having Photoshop wasn’t that common as it is today, maybe that’s why some people fell for it. Bionicle was also only in its second year at the time, and leaks weren’t usually, well, leaked so commonly.
This is probably one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen. It’s like if I found a bionicle set I never knew existed, and that didn’t fit in with any other bionicles. It kind of makes me scared for lack of a better word. A fear of the unknown. It reminds me of 90’s fantasy stuff, as odd as that is.
A great look into how Voriki can be done well with CCBS. I really like the use of 3D printed parts on this. You make the off shade of purple actually work really well also. I really dig the use of that printed chest plate as well. Overall a really great interpretation of Voriki. I’ve got 0 complaints