Toa Zaria, the Iron Ghost (Ver.Oceanmower)

Today I bring you my intended entry for the duckbricks contest, Toa Zaria.

I gave him the kanohi iden because I thought he could survive the genocide by faking his death and second was because the ghostly ability fit his character for me.

This was my first time using Clip Studio Paint more professionally. The b&w background was done in Ibis Paint but the gradient map in CSP looked amazing.

He still has the staff but now it splits into gunchucks like Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang from RWBY because it’s cooler and more efficient of his iron abilities.

I hope you guys like it. I posted it today because I felt that my birthday was appropriate for posting an artwork that took me a month to finish. Also happy birthday to me!

NOTE: Color scheme was inspired by @Galva_Nize 's depiction of Zaria.


I actually rather like the use of green here.


ooooo very cool
the green looks great!!


nice job, but uhh

wheres the green?

I can’t tell if this is a joke but the green covers his chest, shoulder and thigh armors.


No it isn’t a joke, Wild-Toa is colourblind.

Zaria is pretty cool. Also happy birthday


Oh sorry my mistake, but thanks for telling me


The green actually looks weirdly good with the brown. Nice job

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If he’s a ghost, then why can I see him?


its a figure of speech

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Very neat, I like the “wild west” aesthetic what with the pistols and desert background. It suits him well.

P.S. do you know where Galva posts his artwork? I see some intriguing art from him every now and again but I haven’t found the source of it…

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That artwork of Zaria was found on a discord server but I don’t know where.

Speech can have figures???


That’s a pretty cool Zaria, and the green works surprisingly well.

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The green looks really good; I personally would have preferred a bit more gray, but this still looks good in its own right. I also really like the way that individual Lego parts can be made out in the design.

I’m not sure if I can see this as an Iden. I get that the standard mask might look different than Matoro’s organic one, but but this seems a bit too “sharp” compared to the existing design.

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Is this preferable?


Model sheet for my Inorganic Iden is complete! I want to commission a modeler for this mask so if there’s anyone available then let me know.