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Nah, squatter’s rights apply to severed limbs in the cybertronian court of law


well he was squatting at the time

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Also, @MaxinePrimal, I added reply to Maximus to my last post. I missed in initially.

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What are the odds that Ivory could pull some strings to get a lesser sentance? Or at least a plea deal. He is ex governement intelligence. Perhaps an “I know a guy” is needed?

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I’d say Ivory definitely has a shot at negotiating something like that, given his background.

Would “bot” be more applicable here? Just trying to get more familiar with Cybertronian communicative patterns.

Also, we could totally say that Zip and Cargo are completely unrecognized by anyone despite their involvement against the Heralds, and nothing that’s happened so far would have to change and it’d be kind of hilarious

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“Bot” is used most often in official media and other fan works, but “man”, “woman”, and other related terminology is also applicable to cybertronians- at least in this universe.

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Its funny that a prime,the leader of cybertron,is getting criticized by a quintession, one of cybertrons greatest enemies, for not giving a proper trial,when thats what quitessions do.

Also, @MaxinePrimal ,what is Axis opinion of Kitai?


The quintesson legal system has its own problems, too.

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I’d say the Quinteson legal system is nothing but problems.

I would say Axis thinks he’s odd, but with a good spark. Though questioning her judgement after such a stressful morning isn’t exactly doing him any favors in her eyes.

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Quite the target indeed. And Surprisingly unsophisticated methods. You’d think they’d try something other than a smash-and-grab for that kind of artifact.

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Oh, by the way @Ghid @Rukah @MakutaOisli

The weird-looking humans in the black suits that your characters saw/spoke with before the attack are all the same person. If your characters ever get to talking, they’d probably be able to deduce that they’d all encountered the same guy.

Maybe there’s more to this mysterious employer and their intentions that the PCs will need to uncover…


Quite… Honestly, considering the odds it could be damaged or destroyed, I almost think maybe that was the intent. Destroying it then or later. Perhaps some secrets in there they didn’t want someone to know.

Or maybe…

Shoot, it was just a cover for nabbing the book, wasn’t it? The Attackers were just patsies to take the hit.

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I had figured this was the case.

Only problem is, Conjoint’s trying to be sneaky right now (and presumably for six more hours) so unless someone happens upon him and forces him to be social I don’t think he’s going to go strike up a conversation on the topic

That’s why I said if they get to talking. It’ll depend on how things play out.




@MaxinePrimal I swear,sooner or later, Axis has GOT to figure out that something is fishy with Kitai.

Does he transform into a fish?

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I mean, dont you?