Transformers: Dawn of a New Age

Aralysa, Stonefist, and Machina wouldn’t find themselves at just any old tavern: they’d all come to none other than Maccadam’s Old Oil House, the oldest establishment of its kind in cybertronian history. Legend says that Maccadam himself was once a student of Alchemist Prime, who unlocked the secret to immortality- but honestly, most people only cared that he was a phenomenal bartender, however old he may or may not be. The bot himself was working overtime to keep today’s influx of patrons supplied with spirits.

“I’ve had busier,” Maccadam said jovially. “Though I must say, it’s been a long time since I’ve served organic patrons; hopefully I’m not too out-of-practice.”

The fans greatly appreciated Firestorm for humoring them so. Fortunately, they were well-behaved as well, keeping away from transtector while he mingled with the humans.

Niko’s newfound fans erupted into applause. Some even offered him money.

The bot at the other end of the desk was an orange and white fellow, with some kind of construction vehicle for an alt-mode, if his armor was anything to go by. He smiled as the robot approached, and said:

“Well, hey there! What can I help you with?”

Cargo, Zipline, and Kitai would eventually find their mnemosurgeon: a Doctor Headcase of Cybertron, working out of an office in one of the old gargantuan towers that constituted Iacon’s superstructure. Beside the door to his office, a holographic panel displayed his medical license- which seemed to be legitimate.

Other people came to admire the monument, pointing excitedly at the heroes they recognized, and reading the biographical information on the ones they didn’t. A couple of them looked from the statue of Asrar to Argyros, noticing a vague resemblance between the two.


Firestorm is fascinated with the humans given this is his first time meeting this species. He is respectful and polite with them, answering what questions he could and asking about their societies and history.


There weren’t any historians among the crowd, but Firestorm’s human admirers are happy to fill him in on the more important events in human history: the formation of the United Human Polities, the Fourth Quintesson War, NEST, Avalon Prime, and so on. In turn, many humans were also curious about Firestorm’s time: the mysterious pre-history of Cybertron, when the Thirteen and their legions battled Unicron.


Aralysa sighed.
“That’s Firestorm. You can meet him later, now come on!” she said as she pulled Stonefist into Maccadam’s.

As usual, the place was bustling with activity, and Aralysa nodded to the old bartender as the two entered the bar.
“Hello, Maccadam. Have I ever introduced you to my friend Stonefist?”


Firestorm does his best to give the cliff notes version of what history he was part of before he vanished for millions of years.


Axis noticed Jade Dragon’s impressed look as she walked. She had become well used to gawking and staring since she became Prime, but something about this felt different.

“Hello there.”
She said cheerfully.
“Who might you be?”

“Sounds fascinating.”
Low-Tide replied.
“So if you’re from a human world, does that mean you were like… Made by humans?”

“Thank you all so much! You’re too kind!”
Niko eagerly proclaimed. There was a medium sized bucket next to Ferrex’ rear foot for potential donations.

“The name’s Niko! Remember it. Tell your friends!”
He reached into a box and pulled out a small stack of fliers.
“I’m happy to preform at any event you can think of. No gig to small, no place out of reach.”
He slid down Ferrex’s back and down it’s tail, landing gracefully on the ground, and held out the fliers for any human interested in one. Ferrex meanwhile ejected a few larger prints out of its mouth and gently held them in it’s teeth, turning to offer them to the cybertronians.

The flyers included contact info, audition information, and a rather intense looking band name logo that read


Just a simple neck servo. Nothing fancy.
They replied simply. Their voice was low and gruff, and very clearly synthesized. Not too dissimilar to what Soundwave sounded like. Though this bot was still able to speak with plenty of emotion and expression, unlike the old decepticon.


Maccadam looks up from the bar as Aralysa introduces her friend.

“Hm, I can’t say we’ve met, no,” he replies. “But, there’s no time like the present, so they say. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Stonefist.”

Maccadam is a broad and portly cybertronian, with large wheels on his arms and legs that suggests he transforms into some kind of armored truck. Maccadam’s appearance has changed throughout history, adding to the mystique around his character: is the name “Maccadam” simply a title passed down through the ages, or does the supposedly-ageless barkeep change his body with the times? No-one knows…

Firestorm’s audience listens with rapt attention, fascinated even by his quick summary of events. Whatever he said was more than anything any of them had learned in school.

Some of the fans take flyers as they bid Niko farewell, going off to see what the rest of Iacon might have for them.

“Always got plenty of those,” the shopkeep says with a chuckle. He comes out from behind his desk and guides the robot over to where many different brands of neck servos (and related parts) were kept on display.


Holy snap, this is actually true, I remember this guy

Zip and Cargo

Cargo looks at the sign. “Whelp, here we are!” He glances at Kitai @MakutaOisli. “Would you like for us to, uh, wait here?”

Zip stares at Kitai and shakes his head. Say no, say no, say no, he attempts to communicate telepathically, which of course fails, as he is not Professor X.


Deeper into the streets of Iacon, a mustached man in a drab green polo surveys the crowd from his position in a dark alleyway.

“Large crowd, lots of potential targets,” he mutters. A silver device hangs from his mouth. LASER Brand Cigar.

“Lots of potential threats, too,” he adds. “But no one immediately dangerous.” He looks down the street. “Except maybe that man-performer dressed as a cat. Is that what the youths are spending their time doing, nowadays?”

Sgt. Myles Worldsworth Grave leaned against a building. Behind him stood his Cybertronian-inspired mech, PEDE-model, designed after the rhinoceroses of Earth that was either made in memoriam or admiration, depending on their status as a current endangered species. The entity programmed into the mech, a being known as “STAN,” glowed blue in its auto-pilot mode, though its eye-like core displayed a red dot to indicate its recording functionality being active.

“The movies lie. It’s not often when things are quiet that the dangers of this unbelievable galaxy strike upon the unexpecting.” Graves glared into the crowds of passersby. “It’s when things are too noisy to notice that things are… off that the villains of universe seize their moment.” He smirks to himself. That was a good line.



Conjoint could feel the rust in the air from bots whose joints hadn’t been checked too recently. All this pomp and ceremony for what; everyone knew where each other lived now?


Somehow among the throngs of mechanical organisms with their absurd color palettes, Conjoint didn’t feel so horribly out of place. But that wasn’t a comforting thought; if the world was bad enough now to make him look normal, maybe it would be worthwhile to give this all up and go back to digging through rubbish on Junkion.

No, keep yourself in check, pal. That’s how you ended up suicidal in the first place.

So he stood, arms folded behind his back, hunched forward with an air of dissatisfaction towards everything going on. There was someone making a terrible racket about a Niko, whatever that was, and those teensy Human people were being incredibly obnoxious. This entire ceremony seemed like a tremendous waste of energon.



XM-333 nodded. “Yes. I don’t understand how, but… yes.”

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“That’s true.” Aralysa replied. Then she gestured to the rocky transformer. “Stonefist, meet Maccadam, the owner of this fine establishment.”

Stonefist studied the busy bartender. He looked old, but not so old as to look weak. Stonefist respected that, as he wasn’t quite a young bot himself these days. Then he looked around the room. Clearly, Maccadam’s Old Oil House was very popular as there were many different bots in and around the bar. All in all, Stonefist decided that this Maccadam was quite the Cybertronian. He stuck out his hand to him, and said in his deep voice,
“Pleased to make your, uh, acquaintance as well, Mr. Maccadam.”


Firestorm smiles a bit as he sees everyone’s reactions. “Well, no society is perfect; but we try our best.” He says.


“Well I’d say that was a show well done.”
Niko said proudly. He climbed into his machine’s mouth and took a few stabilizing steps. Niko decided then to walk around and look for some points of interest. This was a party after all. It would be a waste to spend the whole time promoting himself.

He walked over to Graves, interested in his mech.
“That’s a nice rig you got there!”
He said eagerly through the external speakers on Ferrex.

The robot looked over some of the parts, though the language barrier was still an issue. Some of the parts looked promising, but they didn’t want to risk wasting credits.

I’m… Not from around here. Not familiar with the language. Think you could help me out?

“Far out dude.”
Low-Tide responded.
“So how are you enjoying Cybertron? I’m sure it must be exciting being around those more like yourself.”

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Graves whips around, posing as if expecting an attack. “Whoa, that cat-man’s here!” He studies Niko for a moment. “Oh, er- sorry. I just got startled. Uh, yeah, it’s uh… It’s PEDE model.”

“Recording paused,” STAN states in its monotone, polite voice.


“I’m a Mikesu. Not a cat man.”
Niko’s voice boomed from the speakers. Ferrex knelt down, resting its head on the ground. It opened it’s jaws and Niko stepped out.

“The name’s Niko. Niko Rockefeller. How about you?”
He asked pleasantly.

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"No,you guys are fine.I’ll just go in.

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Barrage was unsure of if he should go along, but the white one seemed happy, and he didn’t want to ruin that. Against his better judgment, he decided to join them.

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“Please, just call me Maccadam,” the barkeep says as he shakes Stonefist’s hand. “Now, what can I do for you on this auspicious night?”

After a while, the fans begin to disperse. Most of them are polite enough to thank Firestorm for his time and bid him farewell as they go to other parts of the city.

The shopkeep seems to be of the eager-to-please sort, taking a few different servos off of the store shelf to show to the robot. He tells the robot which ones are of the best quality, which ones are cheapest, which ones he thought were only good for feeding sharkitcons as scrap metal, and so on.



The cigar falls from Graves’ mouth. “Uh, name’s Graves,” he says. There was a cat-man inside the cat-man…

Zip and Cargo

“Alright, good luck,” Cargo says with a nod.

Zip looks at Kitai’s moth wings one last time and shrugs. “See ya.”



Well, at least all the absurdly loud noise made it nice and easy to think about all the impending wealth issues with the finances spent on this travesty. Or had they pooled already reserved finances to accomplish this nonsense? That would be the financially responsible maneuver, but it was doubtful this is what they had actually done, seeing as the same fine citizens which commandeered society were now willfully standing around a sea of obnoxious lights and blinding colors making as much noise as possible for no other reason than they can.

…Alright, he had to admit it. He was bored to tears. One of the few times he was actually out and about in society and he had absolutely nothing to show for it; normally he was so peculiar going out demanded everyone stare at him, and now, nobody was watching him at all.

What an outrageous waste of energon. Conjoint’s eyes traveled the crowds, searching for someone to take his mind off of… other thoughts.