Transformers: Salvation Signup and OOC Discussion Topic

The vault is inside a mountain, and it’s pretty huge. Pipebomb probably doesn’t have enough bombs on him to level the place

But the Salvation may have enough firepower to level it if the bombs weaken its structural integrity.

But, Pipebomb must strategically place each bomb to do so.

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Oh, it totally would. A shot from the warp cannon would turn the whole mountain into a lake of molten rock.

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Where on the mountain? Towards the top? The base? Somewhere in the middle?


Just hit the pressure points, I have a feeling he has a map available to him from one of the others in the vault.

The complex runs throughout the interior of the whole mountain.

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Another question. Unrelated.

Could I possibly, through the power of SCIENCE, form some sort of low level combination? Like Energon powerlinxing. That’s what I have in mind.

You might be in luck. One of Blackbelt’s characters found a few combination sparks in the vault.


Whoo! Awesome!

There were only four of them, though, plus the two that Vladin’s characters got before he was banned- so six, in total. Y’all should talk amongst yourselves to decide which of y’all’s characters get them and how you want them to be used.

Well, in a way, Epsilon is able to combine with others as he can attach to larger Combiners into a minigun attachment like how he attached to the Salvation when fighting the Insecticon Queen way back when.

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Of my characters, I believe Starchaser and Pipebomb would be the most compatible. From both a physical and personality standpoint.

Well, the only one of my characters with no combination traits is Zepar as Garand can be wielded in gun mode by something a small as a Minicon and as big as Combiners like Devastator and Bruticus.

If Zepar does get a Combination Spark, combining with him may come at a cost or risk because of his Dark Energon powers.

Uh, is Pipebomb on the hauler?

He’s on the ground, like he wanted to be.

And how close is he to the explosion? If my gut is right, that fireball may end up being funneled out the door that leads to the landing platform.

@MaxinePrimal @meepinater @BlackBeltGamer98 @ProfSrlojohn @ToaNoah_Wafflemeister @Flux

Alright, I need some user feedback here.

So, Transformers: Salvation’s been going on for over a year now. My “short little prequel to TOTGA” has ended up lasting almost twice as long as that game, and it’s had it’s highs and lows. I want to thank you guys for playing- you guys are great players who’ve provided me with some awesome characters to with. That said, I do have a question for you guys.

Are y’all still having fun? Again, Salvation’s gone on for a while now, and I can understand if you’re getting worn out. I just want to make sure that if you’re sticking around, you’re still having a good time. Seriously, I don’t think we have a lot of stuff left to do before we get to the end, and if there’s anything more I can be doing, let me know.


I am enjoying this but maybe picking up the pace could be in order if folks are getting tired of it. I think this slower pace is because we’ve been looking at puzzles and trying to loot everything we can and us being very cautious in general.

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I mean, I’m alright with how it’s going.

I mainly haven’t been playing because I’ve got 300+ posts to read and I haven’t been able to work up the motivation to read them all.

I’m also slightly confused about what exactly the mcguffins are at this point, because it seems to keep changing and I’m not entirely sure what they are now.

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Y’know, I never thought about it like that before. This whole time I’ve been wondering why Salvation doesn’t have that same level of “energy” that TOTGA had, but you might be onto something about the pacing. I’ll definitely do something to speed things up.

I understand where that comes from- they’ve changed names a few times and there was a plot twist involved that I maybe could’ve handled better.

The Macguffin is still the Omega Lock, like it’s been since the game started. Your characters have since discovered, however, that it was cut up into five pieces ages ago, and these parts have been hidden throughout uncharted space. The map that your characters had, which they thought led to the Omega Lock, just led to this planet we’re on now, which had just another piece- which has a map of it’s own that leads to the rest.

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Ahh… see, none of my characters have ever been actually involved in finding any of this. They’ve either been a psudo-npc, like Juliana, or mainly involved in combat such as GateCrasher or Laslow.

And Darkside… hasn’t done much at all, mainly due to the Salvo plotline that kinda got stopped short