Transformers: Salvation Signup and OOC Discussion Topic

Pretty much. But again, the Sideways part is only the head. I’d say the body looks more like RTS Wreck Gar. Though maybe a bit beefier and trashier.

Oh. And also the claw hand. Almost forgot about that.

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So far, his design and personality being such a random combination of several characters seems pretty fitting for a Junkion character.

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Oh yeah. All a part of the plan.

Huh. The Boards are now censoring the Decepticon captain’s name. Weird.

I named my character after a literal explosive and that’s fine. But two random words smashed together to make a cool name? Oh heavens no.

Eh, it’s no big deal. Just remember from now on that a big string of black boxes in one of my posts is supposed to be you-know-who, and not some horrible curse.

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The boards now censor ■■■■■ as well it censors shirt
You can use four * around a letter to get around that

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Thanks for the info.

also sorry for not really being around recently I haven’t been able to be properly on the boards for about a week or two now

It’s cool. I understand.

you know what I realized

sidestep is kind of like Grunkle Stan in a way


what curse? You mean Shatter point?

Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. When I put the two parts of his name together, the Boards censor it now. @Flux showed me how to work around it though, so I should be good.

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shatterpoint, you really need to emphasize that “r”

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And the term for a top piece of clothing that is often casual, tshirt, minus the “t”, is also being censored? I’m guessing that’s because it’s been used to bypass censors tripping for the swear word of “crap”?


So are all junkions bomb experts? Or at least most? Not gonna lie, making the walking piles of garbage really handy with explosives would be an interesting bit of culture.


I guess. Haven’t tried it myself.

I wouldn’t say that junkions are more likely to have a dispossession to blowing things up in this universe. Thrift just happens to be a man of many hats, one of them just so happening to mirror Pipebomb’s skillset.


By the gods. I now possess the ability to market garden with a chainsaw axe of doom!!!

This is quite possibly one of the greatest things I will have done within a game on these boards.

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I base the loot off of how well I think they’ll fit the character that finds them. Figured a chainsaw-axe with a bonus missile launcher was the right kind of crazy-awesome for Pipebomb.

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Well let me tell you my friend you chose well.