Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic

“Took you long enough.”
Hotspot groaned.

“Impatient much?” she laughed.

“Only when you take ten minutes to do something that should take less than one, yeah.

“Keep complaining and I’ll give you another hug,” she laughed.

“Alright. Fine. Just give me the energon.”

She handed the cube over with a laugh, “My I haven’t been this happy in a while.”

Hotspot said in a flat sarcastic tone. He took the energon cube, and through a small opening hatch in his faceplate, began to drink.

“I see…And how did you end up here? Clawshot said he heard some fighting, but was unconscious during capture.” Railgun asked.

“Toil and tunnel, trapped in funless bubble,” Machbreaker rhymed as they headed towards Railfire’s office.

“A couple of emergency patches, that’s all we really need. It’s going to happen eventually, let’s just get it over with now. At least in part. Then enjoy the day off.” Tie-Grabber reasoned. “Two hours tops, I’m certain.”

“Acknowledged, four hours until able to refine mined data.” Machbreaker replied.

“I said two.” Tie-Grabber corrected.

“It’ll be four.” Machbreaker reaffirmed.

“Two! My estimate isn’t off.” Tie-Grabber grumbled.

The two come into the medical ward.

Elsewhere, boredom rises to action. Change was in the air and it would be unfortunate if he didn’t get a say.

Change configuration. Removing RAM.

A disk shoots out and becomes the billy goat that is RAM. It nays a corrupted sound byte and trots off for the commons.

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“It’s pretty simple. The three of us managed to find work after the war. Some extravagant so and so. I can’t remember who. We were out at the edge of charted cybertronian space. Something scanned the ship, then everything started to shake. Next thing I know, I’m out like a light, and I woke up here with my boys.”

Railfire was busy talking to Backbreaker.

Maximus meanwhile was elsewhere in the room, looking over all the tools and equipment. Trying to find some way to pass the time while he was here.

The commons were alive with activity as everyone was enjoying their morning energon.

Hotshot was talking to Demolishor and Cyclonus.

Skywarp and Thundercracker were talking to the vehicons Tire and Rotor, reminiscing on their days aboard the Nemesis.

Axis and Razorxlaw were talking to one another.

And Wildsong seemed to be trying, and failing, to start a conversation with Blackout.

Backbreaker looks at Railfire and Maximus.

“Alright, so there’s that…” he says.

Maximus had gotten distracted and was looking over the equipment in the medical ward.

“So, now that we have a plan, we must make preparations. First thing I think we should do is decide the different groups. Who will be playing what role in this plan.”
Railfire said.

She leaned back against the wall, “So, how are you feeling today?”

“Same as I was yesterday.”
He answered coldly.

“Alright, well I’ll just sit here,” she said her voice seemingly particularly cheerful.

“Hm.” Railgun says, going off into thought.

So why take us? They barely even acknowledge Mini-Cons exist, so why remove them from ships? Why not leave them alone, like the weapons? They can’t be worried about us causing problems, else there would be better cells.

“Ever perplexing beings…” Is all he says, voice trailing off.

They decide not to bother them for now and head to a section to being working. Though they do try to do it without too much noise. Partially to not disrupt the conversation and partly so they could eavesdrop.

The goat looks about, trying to identify which ones would have something to munch on. Perhaps some Energon they weren’t guarding well, a tool or weapon low enough to the ground, etc. Might even just go over and nibble on some benches/chairs at the very least.

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“Whichever team needs a heavy hitter, I’ll join,” Backbreaker volunteers.

Hotspot groaned and rolled his eyes. Saying nothing else.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
Nebula replied.

All the energon was kept on the tables. And with the limited rations, everyone was careful to keep as much as they could, and not let any go to waste.

However, with two different copter-bots in the room, the hanging rotor blades might be mistaken for arrant pieces of metal by the goat bot.

“Then you would be best to go into the processing chamber group, as Maximus suggested. I have a feeling reaching that area will require more brute force than the others.”

“…Clawshot said you guys just worked on your den the entire time since coming here. Is that true?” Railgun asked. He wasn’t sure what to ask or say anymore.

RAM decides that Cyclonus looked tasty today and trots on over. Though going around in a wide arc to sort of sneak behind the helicopter. Only kind of, because his clopping and bounciness didn’t make him stealthy at all. Once by Cyclonus, he tries to chomp down on the blades.

“Well, sorta. We’ve had three or four different dens. We kept moving because Clawshot wouldn’t stop complaining. First one was by the Forge. But it was too hot. Then we made a hole in the wall nearby the tier 3 commons. But there were too many bulks around. Now we’re living under the training arena, and he’s complaining about the noise!”
Nebula said, clearly getting worked up. She managed to do a bit of breathing and calmed down.
I love 'em. I love 'em. They’re family… But Primus they can be hard to live with sometimes.”
She sighed.

“What the heck?”
Cyclonus cried out, looking over his shoulder."

“What’s the matter buddy?”
Demolishor asked.

“There’s a minicon munching on my blades!”
He said. Cyclonus then spun up his rotor, trying to throw the goat off.

Her glassy face just stared at him. It looked creepy, but it was the only expression Spirit was capable of making. It’s not like she could change it.