Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic

“His case was a politician’s case wasn’t it? No one deserves to be mentally mutilated. That’s a cruel and unusual punishment. If it’s that bad a crime you put them to rest. You autobots created your own enemy I’m afraid.”

“Shockwave was always the twisted freak he is today. If you ask me, I’d say he deserved worse.”

“He should have been executed then. Trying to make him suffer only got you the issue you have today.”

Busdrive turns into disk mode in attempts to get a better shot of getting turned upright. However, doing so leave him immediately vulnerable. And so Blackout is successful is napping but RAM and Busdrive in their disk states.

Tire does successfully tackle Overclock, but the little guy tries firing an electric blast into him during the process.

“Oh.” Is all he can say for a moment, a bit embarrassed. “Well, no one took the time to teach us religion.”

“Yeah, I guess your right there…”
Jetfire admitted.

Blackout takes Busdrive and RAM and holds on to them. He could interrogated them later.

Tire meanwhile shouts in pain and rolls over. Rotor then tries to kick the mischievous minicon across the room, angry that it hurt his friend.

Religion? Its basic biology!
She thought. Completely astounded. But she made sure to keep calm when talking to him.
“Its fine. I… Understand.”

Backbreaker shrugs.

“You do you,” he says. “Woulda done me an honor to put a dent in his face, personally.”

“Is there a place two planes can fly?”

“Of course. It only makes sense. In your case, it would have been like talking to Ironhide or Wheeljack, or whoever the autobot second in command was.”

“Around here? I’m afraid not. The arena is the only taste of the outside we get, and Iota keeps that d@mn cage over it to make sure us flyers stay grounded.”
He said. The issue seemed to have been bothering him quite a lot.

“A pity…I almost envy the minicons…they have no trouble flying about…”

Overclock isn’t able to move in time and is sent flying. It’s enough to where he drops his weapon mid-flight. He turns into a disk mode as he falls to bounce and roll into a nicer landing before reforming to his robot form. Overclock desperately looks around to locate his weapon.

“From that hesitation, I don’t think you do.” Railgun replied.

“Yeah. Though they seem more content hiding in the walls than anything else.”

Razorclaw swiftly dashes by and grabs the minicon.
She shouted triumphantly.

Nebula sighed.
“Its no big deal. Just forget it.”

Backbreaker shrugs.

“Never understood our chain of command, honestly,” he admits. “I knew Optimus was in charge, and guys like Ultra Magnus were other big shots you had to salute whenever they so much as stopped for gas, but beyond that I didn’t really know.”

Railfire laughed to himself.
“With such a disorganized command structure, it’s a wonder you ever managed to win.”
He said jokingly.

“Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention,” Backbreaker says.

“Would love to have some.”

Railfire said.
“I for one paid very close attention to the news and activities of our higher-ups. But I can imagine why not everyone would.”

“I don’t see the appeal. They’re pests. One of them tried to steel my energon just the other day.”

Her face stared at him intently, “but they’re so cute! Look at their little faces!”

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“It doesn’t matter how cute they look when they try to take anything that isn’t nailed down.”

“I mean they don’t have much, they’re just desperate to live…”

“And we aren’t?”
Jetfire countered.