Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic

“Long story short, I’m cough old Hotshot, too old. I just had my cough entire system gutted and replaced after that jolt from that cough minicon”

“Oh come on. You’re not that bad for your age. After the war, I saw bots half your age in a far worse shape.”
Hotshot said, trying his best to sound kind.

“Mainly becasue I cough never let myself get hit. I can’t tank shots like the rest of you. I may be built for punishment, but I was never built for cough war. My internals were meant to last, not my shell.”

“But even then just one little jolt from a minicon meant everything had to be replaced.”
Hotshot pointed out, taking a seat next to her.

“Because they were old. I’ve never had a cough permanent replacement before this. Those were my original internals from cough day one.”

“Primus. That’s insane!”
Hotshot exclaimed.

“Besides, I’m a cough a bit attached to them. You don’t really appreciate them until you almost become an cough organ harvest.” she said with a sickly chuckle.

“Personally I don’t see the point. I’ve had internal components replaced all the time. Not all at once, granted. But over time I’d say I’ve gone through at least a set and a half.”

"I mean, I guess you cough get appreciate them more after someone tries to sell them…

“I guess I could see that. Though that is… Oddly specific.”

“very, very long story.”

Hotshot shrugged.
“Alright then.”

“Whir crink whir.” “You’re speaking to a professional.” Tie-Grabber smirks. “Whir?”

“What kind of mischief?”

“Let’s just say… there’s a market for pre-war curios… .”

Clawshot clicked and whirred an eager reply.

“Oh just some general mayhem. A bit of chaos on the side. Nothing better to pass the time than screwing with bulks.”

“Can’t say I’m surprised. Though of all the old and ancient pre-war junk someone might want, organs are a weird thing to look for.”

“I never did cough figure out who he even intended to sell them too. I mean, who around here is cough sick enough to want antiquated organs lying around?”

“That makes me wonder. What do you think Railfire is gonna do with those old parts?”

“Probably throw them out, they’re fried to a crisp now”


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“Now, where’d ya like me to start?” Backbreaker asks. “Start of the war, middle? Thunderhead Pass?”

The hologram lunges to attack Nebula, but staggers as it is shot in the back of the head by Railgun. It’s helmet protects it, but the shot succeeds in giving Nebula time to react.

“Didn’t you already talk about Thunderhead pass?”
Maximus asked.
“Or was that something else? I’m pretty sure it was the one where you saw Megatron and Optimus fight.”

Nebula quickly turned to face the simulation. She transformed into robot mode and aimed her cannon, charging it up. Double strength. She fired off a single shot, aiming for one of its eyes.