Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

Myriad smiled. “Thanks. Shall we get something to eat? I’m famished.”

“Sure. Sounds good to me.”

OOC: @Chromeharpoon do the beast bots here eat some kind of organics, or smaller mechanical creatures, or is it just energon like everyone else?

OOC: it’s just Energon.

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OOC: Darn. Well alright then.

ooc: where would one get food on the Excalibur?

Myriad walks out of the hold.

OOC: “dining” facilities are on level one.

Predacons have been known to hunt mechanimals (like turbofoxes) and others of their kind for such Energon.

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OOC: Hooray! Alright, I got an idea.

IC: Maximus and Axis follow.

“I know where we could get some food.”
Maximus offers.

Myriad nods. “Lead the way, then.”

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“Will do… as soon as we get out of this ship. We don’t really know out way around just yet.”

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“Well, in the meantime, let’s go to the Mess Hall. It’s on deck one.”
Myriad leads Axis and maximus to the mess hall.

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“Alright. I’d love to see what you offworlders eat.”

Myriad smiles. “Energon.”
She picks up a cup full of glowing liquid and takes a sip. “We’ve got various liquid forms and various food forms.”

ooc: @Chromeharpoon what would the different forms be? like a stronger liquid and a weaker one?

“Wait, that’s it? You just, get the energon?”

“We usually have to work a lot harder to get our food.”

There was a big crash and lifter fell through a nearby wall, his head a few inches away from having crushed axis, “sorry, ma’am, trainin’ got a tad outta 'and.” He said nonchalantly

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“Who the hell are you!”
Axis shouted, quite surprised. Maximus however didn’t seem phased.

“Does stuff like this normally happen?”
Maximus asked Myraid.

“friendly neig’bor’ood decepticon, t’ats all.”

Maximus asked curiously.
“Is that anything like a predacon?”

“kinda, I guess.”

Hyper-light looks around wondering where he is. Where ever he is, he bets it’s not where his job was

Myriad shook her hand. “Decepticons are a faction. Predators are usually based on beasts. SImilar, but not the same.”

she looked at axis. “As for the energon, we harvest it was from our minds and then process it so that we can invest it.”