Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

Apex accepts and, with Asrar’s help, rises to his feet. Cheers, bellows, and bestial roars echo throughout the valley.

Asrar raises his right arm victoriously.

From far away, Maximus headed the distant roaring echoes.
“Huh. I wonder what that could be about.”


The cheers intensify as Apex congratulates Asrar on his performance.

Sol was back at the ship, keeping an eye on the twins and lifter to ensure they don’t hurt each other

Myriad asked, “What’s a tree?”

“I’m not sure how to describe it. Its a really tall plant with limbs and branches. A lot of bots that live here make their homes either inside them or they’re built around them.”

Myriad nodded. “What’s a plant?”

ooc: cybertron has almost no living things like plants.

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OOC: in this continuity, Cybertron, and most of the other colonies, do have techno-organic spaces for beast-formers. They’re not too terribly uncommon.

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“Oh boy, uh…I’m honestly not sure how I would describe a plant…”
Below, Maximus saw an exposed branch large enough to hold his weight. He swooped down beneath the canopy and landed on it. He looked around to see if there was anyone nearby.
'I’m sure someone who lives here would have an easier time explaining this."


All Maximus could see where small mechanimals.

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“Maybe I should try looking lower.”
Maximus glided from branch to branch, carefully looking for ones that could support him. He knew if the fell, he would have a difficult time maneuvering in the dense jungle. All the while he looked for other bots.

Predacons meander throughout the jungle, going about their usual routines.

OOC: I thought most predacons stayed in the mountains?

OOC: they live all over.

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OOC: Interesting. But there;s still other bots around right?

OOC: yeah.

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Simulare was laying all lax in his cell, “ever wonder why we’re here?”

Bootleg couldn’t resist.

“It’s one o’ life’s great mysteries, ain’t it?” he responds. “Why are we here? Are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a god watching everything? Y’know, with a plan for us 'n stuff? I dunno man, but it keeps me up at night.”


"what? I mean why’re out here on eukaris?’

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