(TTV Forums Exclusive) BIONICLE 2015 Kanohi Podium Papercrafts


Someone likes them LoLz.

Good thing I wear the Mask of Ink Cartridge Filling. Not reallyā€¦


Thatā€™d be very useful LoLz.

Out of curiosity does anyone have photos of the ones you have fully made and on display?

Edited for Double Post - WajKnight

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No sadly.

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I havenā€™t actually printed any because I donā€™t have any masks to put on them. (yet)



I might get the LOSS one because it matches my Self-MOCā€™s color scheme.

These things are epic dude. High quality.

Thanks and hope youā€™ll like them if you choose to fully print them.

BTW What is LOSS?

Lord of Skull Spiders. Itā€™s the official name as it is now on the finalized box art.

Oh now it makes sense.

Could you make a podium for Makuta Terribad?

Sure but (stupid question) whose Makuta Terribad?

Heā€™s worse than awful! Itā€™s Makuta Terribad!

Iā€™ll see what I can do.

As mentioned by @Indigogeek1 Here is the episode from when they mention this topic, thanks for the mention.

Edited for Double Post - WajKnight


Ooh, these are really cool. Iā€™m gonna have to print one out for each Toa I get. :smiley:

One thing though; could you change the blue glow on the Mask of Creation podium to purple, since thatā€™s the color of glow that was on the podium in the NYCC teaser?

I would anyways for the Mask of Creation and maybe the Mask of Ultimate Power.

For @Indigogeek1 @Nyran @Political_Nuju @Risebell and the other cast members of Cliff Horse Cast.
Podium #13: Cliff Horse Cast Special Edition. Please give credit to me if you can.
Notes: Just a simple thing I did, the horse I drew on paint while looking up a photo of a horse. The eyes are just for fun.


Oh I love it!

I have a Kopaka one printed out and Iā€™ll get pics of it, but Iā€™m for sure making one of these too! XD

Itā€™s just too good.


Nice, and thank you. I really enjoyed making that horse LoLz.

On behalf of myself and the other cliffhorsmen, I give you an honorary potato.

Seriously though, thatā€™s simply the best.

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