That’s right, it’s back!
…But hang on, you may be asking, why the heck is the signups occurring in October? Isn’t this a November thing?
Well strap in, lunch and lunchables, it’s time to go over the rules for this year’s Secret Santa for the Message Boards.
How this works is you sign up here in this topic and I add you to a list… Of people who signed up, obviously. Then on November 1st, you will receive a PM from me detailing who you’ll be creating a gift for. I’ll be pairing people completely at random, so there’s no way to anticipate your recipient.
In the past, users would have only one month to create something special for someone else, but people simply didn’t have enough time the last secret santa, so I figure two months’ worth of time will not only allow users with less availability to participate, but also allow more time for quality gifts to be sent.
Anyway, you will have until December 31st, 2023, at 11:59 PM EST to send me your completed gift. This isn’t a super hard and fast deadline, but if I don’t get something by January 2nd, I’m going to assume you couldn’t complete it in time.
Now here’s some additional rules to keep in mind:
- If you sign up, you are promising you can do this. However, sometimes life just happens. If you find yourself truly unable to participate, please try to PM me sooner rather than later to give me extra time to compensate.
- Whatever you make must be personalized to the user. This can be as simple as being related to a topic the recipient is interested in - a video game, movie, song, or even a specific Bionicle character - but a generic gift with no attachment will be disqualified.
- Do not send your gift directly. If you PM your recipient the gift directly, and I find out about it, you will not be getting a gift. We’ve got to keep the Secret in Secret Santa, after all.
- Do not mail your gift. This is entirely digital; your gift must be either seen or read. If you create a moc and want the other person to be able to build it, you can create instructions.
- Try not to buy anything for anyone. I can understand wanting to gift someone a digital game, and if you know the person you are gifting, you’re welcome to. However, I would advise against doing so as part of this Secret Santa, as to avoid the precedent of purchases being the standard, and in order to keep things secret.
- All TTV Message Boards rules apply. Also have fun or I will find you
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