TTV Will No Longer Report on Lego Leaks

Yep. Horray! I get to do something else besides dealing with Double Posts!


Ok, shall do.

Good to hear :slight_smile:

Ah ok, thanks for the alternatives - should help stave off some of the worries that users including myself were having. Given this reminder and explanation i think the lack of posting images and stuff on the boards could turn out fairly well. Though i will miss hearing all of TTV’s videos on leaks.

Yeah, thanks for clearing things up :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to us all :3


While I will miss the reports on leaks, it won’t affect my viewership of TTV. I dig pretty much all of the content and try to watch everything I can. Hopefully people can be mature enough to handle this the right way, but we will all see.

If you guys don’t discuss leaks, then fine. But the community should at least be able to post/link them on the boards. It will avoid confusion during discussion in leak topics. You guys should be able to discuss what you want, but we should also be allowed to link these things so people can join the discussion without having to scavenge the internet.

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Things You Dislike About the Channel

Oh, boy.

It seems like TTV has officially stopped leak news and preliminary picture discussion.

This may be either a “saving grace”, or the possibility of a declining future of subscribers. In ye olde days of TTV, everyone’s favorite Bionicle podcasters would gather 'round, and listen (or watch) a podcast and leak coverage of the latest Hero Factory wave, or a report on the newly-leaked System themes. As a great source of subscription, bypassing users would usually subscribe to the great TTV, producer of leaks.

Honestly, this move is, personally, a great “survival tactic”. By avoiding leaks, TTV has saved themselves from LEGO’s wrath, and similarly… done something else.

By all means, it’s possible TTV could use a “comedy series” of sorts, possibly also a “Drawing with Prpl” or “MOCing w/ Ven” series; something generally useful. Considering the group has now become part of LEGO’s “friend list” (IDK, just ASSUMING), more interviews could take place with folk like Ryder Windham.

On the other hand, this decision seems like the best. This is to a new year, and anothergreat year for TTV!

(Oh, and shouldn’t this be pinned globally, in ‘site’ or ‘community’?)


This is a very honorable thing TTV is doing. To take the potential hit that this could inflict on your channel all for the greater good of LEGO and the community as a whole is amazing. I support your decision all the way. Ad victoriam, brother.


This is fine with me. Besides the usual “it’s their channel, they can do whatever they want with it”, the recent Bionicle Autopsy has me against leaks now.

And honestly: if people unsubscribe because they were here solely for leaks, that’s their loss, not TTV’s.

What if animations get leaked, like what happened this year with the 2015 animations?


Are we still allowed to post leaks on the boards?

I don’t think that’ll be an issue, being that there isn’t going to be any 2016 animations :P.

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No, but you can discuss them.

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Are these types of images allowed? They arent confidential images, they are simply fan arts of confidential images, not the images themselves.

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I remember they said fanart is allowed to be linked and stuff

This is a very grey area; leak sketches were really only introduced this year, and nobody really knows how to handle it; nobody really knows what Lego’s take is on it. Eurobricks, who we’re modeling our policy after, opted to not let them be posted; for the moment, though, we’re going to allow them through on a case-by-case basis. :smile:



so depending on how good they are, you either remove or keep em?

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Hmm, guess I’m no longer needed here if I can’t share whatever leaks we get!

Unfortunate to hear :frowning:


Speaking of leak patterns introduced this year, what happens when we get a case where the initial leaker doesn’t want the images to go public? Only sending it to people who give descriptions/drawings of the set. Is the verifying policy still available in those cases?


only texts and some sketches i believe, but otherwise no official images

You’re always welcome to openly discuss Lego sets and themes and such. :slight_smile: