I haven’t read or listen to ALL reasons given by TTV though I have listened to the channel news vid from up above days ago so that’s all I know that contains your reasoning. Excuse me if what I’m going to say is going to be seen as offensive
Imma be real. To ME it seems like this is pure strategy. This doesn’t look like a simple matter and most members won’t even think about it this way but aight here goes.
TTV got big because of leak season right? No denying that, we all know that, moving on. Currently a site with a great number of people on it and a YouTube channel with 20K subs, and a Vessel channel, as well as an Audible Sponsor.
In the bionicle 2016 discussion some TTV cast members were talking with DeeVee from BZpower who has told them that they can enter the TLG non disclosure contract and get the sets early. Which they couldn’t do this year as the news of his reached them too late DeeVee said that the period for entering had closed earlier the week he responded to, I believe it was eljay. He said next year was their chance.
Now look at it this way, that’d be great! Right? Gosh, getting the sets early, not only cool but people will flock to TTV since we have the sets earlier and have a bigger fanbase.
Then comes TLG, whoops, we’re doing something they’re against. Leaks… Uhh we need to get on their good side of we want those sets and have a healthy relationship.
Basically business. Lego helps TTV, TTV helps Lego.
“It’s not really good to do something they’re against when they’ve been so nice to us”
Sure, you can say that
Though it being a facade for a business act isn’t far fetched and actually seems more likely.
Here’s the quote on quote problem.
BZPower as competition ain’t really competition anymore. It’s just the way it is. Neither is eurobricks from what I gather.
So? What’s the problem?
Another competitor. Another group of people could take this chance and become the next TTV with ease, they could begin even this year with leaks of the Summer Wave. Ride on the success, get views and subs. Slowly built up but quicker than TTV since they just have to perfect the formula. Spread themselves with ease through media as well.
They’ll pretty much be the only ones doing leaks.
AND BELIEVE ME when I say this will happen. It will.
It’s basically giving an opportunity for free. People might even avert from TTV and fly over to whatever new competitor that does leaks. That isn’t far fetched at all.
I just hope, TTV actually has thought about that ‘problem’.
I think they have thought about backlash but not this big. Leaks were the upcoming and it can be the downfall with ease.
Hope you guys know what you’re doing.