TTV Will No Longer Report on Lego Leaks

I haven’t read or listen to ALL reasons given by TTV though I have listened to the channel news vid from up above days ago so that’s all I know that contains your reasoning. Excuse me if what I’m going to say is going to be seen as offensive

Imma be real. To ME it seems like this is pure strategy. This doesn’t look like a simple matter and most members won’t even think about it this way but aight here goes.

TTV got big because of leak season right? No denying that, we all know that, moving on. Currently a site with a great number of people on it and a YouTube channel with 20K subs, and a Vessel channel, as well as an Audible Sponsor.

In the bionicle 2016 discussion some TTV cast members were talking with DeeVee from BZpower who has told them that they can enter the TLG non disclosure contract and get the sets early. Which they couldn’t do this year as the news of his reached them too late DeeVee said that the period for entering had closed earlier the week he responded to, I believe it was eljay. He said next year was their chance.
Now look at it this way, that’d be great! Right? Gosh, getting the sets early, not only cool but people will flock to TTV since we have the sets earlier and have a bigger fanbase.

Then comes TLG, whoops, we’re doing something they’re against. Leaks… Uhh we need to get on their good side of we want those sets and have a healthy relationship.
Basically business. Lego helps TTV, TTV helps Lego.

“It’s not really good to do something they’re against when they’ve been so nice to us”
Sure, you can say that
Though it being a facade for a business act isn’t far fetched and actually seems more likely.

Here’s the quote on quote problem.
BZPower as competition ain’t really competition anymore. It’s just the way it is. Neither is eurobricks from what I gather.

So? What’s the problem?

Another competitor. Another group of people could take this chance and become the next TTV with ease, they could begin even this year with leaks of the Summer Wave. Ride on the success, get views and subs. Slowly built up but quicker than TTV since they just have to perfect the formula. Spread themselves with ease through media as well.

They’ll pretty much be the only ones doing leaks.

AND BELIEVE ME when I say this will happen. It will.
It’s basically giving an opportunity for free. People might even avert from TTV and fly over to whatever new competitor that does leaks. That isn’t far fetched at all.

I just hope, TTV actually has thought about that ‘problem’.
I think they have thought about backlash but not this big. Leaks were the upcoming and it can be the downfall with ease.

Hope you guys know what you’re doing.

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It’s very far fetched. If there was anyone who could prove to be competition, then they’d be competition right now, regardless of TTV’s leak policy. One of the reason why channels like Jangbricks and TTV are successful, is because they have good quality videos. Myself and many others watch TTV because they have interesting personalities, and it’s entertaining to listen to them and hear their opinions. Then there are the people who do watch TTV for news and analysis. Neither would watch it if their viseos weren’t of such high quality, because it’s extremely difficult to listen to something that doesn’t sound good. It’s similar with Jangbricks (hence why I mentioned him earlier), he does good reviews but another contributing factor is that it’s easier to watch his work than any others. He has good audio and visuals and a good set up. Whereas all those minor, 15 like videos with their cluttered desks and buzzing audio dont do nearly as well. It’s the same with news and podcast channels. The people who do try to take the spotlight with leak analysis are likely just dreamers. Their quality of work wont be as good unless they make investments, so therefor people wont be able to enjoy it. Their are already plenty of channels that do leak analysis that I’ve seen and listening to their poor audio is difficult. Not to bash on the leak analysis or podcast channels, but they dont have the right level of equipment or go into it prepared, they go into it thinking they’ll get 20k subscribers after a couple of shows. My point, if there was anyone as prepared, as ready and knowledgeable enough to be competition to TTV, they’d have started their own show already. Yes, there’s probably going to be some race to take TTV’s place for leak news, that doesn’t mean anyone will be successful. It’s just as easy finding out about leaks on MB’s anyway.

I dont know if their quality will be good, but I’ve seen enough leak reporters to know the majority wont. Quality also does matter, it’s one of the most important aspects of any youtube channels success. Every single popular youtube channel have excellent quality videos. Also, leak video’s aren’t what’s going to make a channel popular. I dont work for TTV, so I dont know this for a fact, but it looks like to me that leak video’s more raised awareness that TTV is a channel. They provide plenty of other content. I’m going to say this again, leak videos aren’t going to make anyone popular. Just2Good does much more than just leaks, like TTV he does reviews aswell as thoughts and opinions. You seem so sure that simple leak videos will cause a massive channel like TTV to crash and burn. Leaks aren’t as popular as what’s actually happening during the year. There’s still plenty of story to be discussed and enjoyed.

They might lure you to a waffle house with Pancakes, but the waffles are why you stay.


Why would they have already started? Huh? Also you can’t know if their quality will be good or not. Not that it matters much. Don’t know if you ever watched the leak videos but all that’s really needed is the leaks themselves. A voice can be added but Just2Good has been known for making leak vids that have no voice and that still deliver a great amount of views and attention. There’s no denying that. People can also easily build off of that. Yes I know TTV is comprised of people liking the cast and other videos, but you’re not telling me that giant fanbase was lured to the TTVcast and Site because of Kahi’s vlog vids and such. Leaks have been more influential than you think.

I mean, I hope no one will leave here now that the policy is in play, that wouldn’t be good but as even TTV themselves have anticipated, people leaving isn’t out of the question,


I’m not saying TTV will crash. I may have chosen my words poorly at times.
TTV has already made a stable fanbase, the people that came because of the leaks and that don’t leave will stay because of what TTV offers besides leaks. That’s logical.

As for just2good, yes I know he makes reviews and such as well but uh…his Star Wars and Bionicle leaks pics got 150K views. All it has is sound and leaks.
That’s what I meant with quality. I do think you can have a stable channel with only leaks done in such a manner and grow from that as a channel and quality wise.

Just2good has 42Kish subs. Obviously not just from leaks, but you’re not telling me leaks haven’t played a big part.

It seems to be quite the opposite actually :P. The response seems to be way less negative then they thought it would be.

And though Leaks may have boosted TTVgrowth rate, I don’t think they were their upcoming TTV got to be where it is because they produce good quality content that makes us laugh, think, and have fun listening to. They don’t need leaks to be popular, I strongly believe they could have made it to where they are now without reporting on the leaks, it just may have taken longer.

Ehhhhh. I saw the effects of bionicle hype and leaks first hand. I can remember the BZPower VS TTV scandal in which TTV fans fought those of BZP for some reason or another. They had about 2k subs around that time, when the leaks came later they jumped to the 10K mark.

Also, when you talk about backlash, currently there wouldn’t be any since there most likely isn’t even things that could be leaked. Promotional artwork for the summer wave is most likely still in development. If there would be something to leak there would be backlash most likely.

Still, I could be wrong and everything goes 100% okay

Let’s hope for the latter

You, like so many others, are over-valuing what the leak reporting actually did for our channel and your numbers are completely incorrect.

We hit 3,000 subscribers back in August of 2013, so no, we certainly didn’t have “2k” subscribers before the leaks.

In fact, we have a total of 7,343 subscribers before the very first black and white 2015 leak appeared on our channel.

We wrapped up the year of 2014 with 12,838 subscribers. We saw an increase of 5,494 subscribers over the course of the year starting from the moment we began posting 2015 leaks. That same amount of time during 2013 we saw a growth of 4,133 subscribers.

Meaning the reporting of leaks only gave us a 1,361 subscriber increase in growth when compared to the year prior.

So no, leaks did not “make our channel boom” like so many people keep saying. We were already growing rapidly before the leaks began.

To be honest, its really rude to speculate on our numbers through overarching and highly inaccurate blanket statements that have no factual basis whatsoever. As I said earlier in this topic, without access to our analytics, I truly don’t see how you can say what contributed to our “success” and what didn’t.

We decided that this is fine :slight_smile:


I retract my statements then and apologize for whatever ruckus I may have caused


Looking back at it once more though when looking at statistics of the channel, the subs spiked most in the months of July 2015 and October 2014, the time around October was the one that gave you most subs.
When looking at he vids that were put out at those times, nearly all are vids detailing either leaks or vids such as Comic Con builds of the 2015 winter wave sets. Each with view counts of around 70K per vid.

July has a bunch of normal vids and some leak vids as well and while a vid such as top ten vehicles got 55k views, there were more leak set name vids with 15k views per vid. January was also a time in which subs were gained way more than usual. Vids around that time were leaks and info on the summer wave of 2015.
All those vids had more than the others.

If it wasn’t the subs, your channel did grow way more because of the views that the leaks garnered. No denying that.

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@Eljay, you’re the one who spoke to Deevee, so I’m going to assume you looked into this a bit. The one thing I have been curious about for a while is if this has anything to do with potentially getting the sets early to review? Or do you think you would have been able to sign up even with leaks posted?

Dang, this is getting to my nerves

I’m not taking this thing well as well as other users on the boards, it just might be my immature attitude but I feel really pissed that they did something like this.

Sure, they can deny it all they want that the leaks didn’t make them famous, but there’s no hiding the truth.

Plus, if you follow the Eurobricks “formula” TTV, many of your users will leave you just like how many people left Eurobricks.

I’m trying to find an appropriate way to express myself, but I just can’t.

I’m stepping away from the boards for a while.

Right, but TTV finds more value in loyal fans than people who are just there for leaks. If you are just here for leaks, I wouldn’t say that you could be considered a “TTV Fan.”

TTV is a business. The people who are loyal to watching their stuff and being part of a fanbase they find much more valuable because they contribute more to the fanbase and community.


If you actually watched the initial announcement video, you’d know that we don’t “deny” anything of the sort.



Alrighty, I sorta realize that TTV is actually doing the right thing, ahhh

Perhaps the leaks got to me? I dunno
Still, there’s no excuse for my immature behavior on the boards and I am sincerely sorry. :stuck_out_tongue:

The point that Var was trying to make with that statement is not that leaks had no part in helping our channel grow in popularity and in the public fandom conscious, because it definitely did.

What Var is trying to refute is the claim that 1. The channel was entirely built/made popular by leaks and 2. By extension, getting rid of leaks will completely devastate the channel.

The numbers add up to the fact that, yes, leaks were definitely a result of a spike in subscribers, but we had content and a following before the leaks came about. Some people were exaggerating this leap from 2k to 10k subscribers (a 500% increase!) just because of the leaks, and that simply wasn’t true.

1,361 new subscribers is nothing to scoff at - and that was definitely a spike caused by leaks. But what we felt happened is that a lot of people who would have enjoyed our content but had never seen it before suddenly got exposed to our content. So it definitely quickened that process.

But the idea that the channel was only built on leaks and that without them our channel won’t do that well is what’s being contested here, not the fact that our channel definitely rose in popularity because of them. We’re not trying to claim otherwise.

This kind of comment keeps coming up. Yes, appealing more to LEGO is definitely one contribution to the decision, alongside the frustration at fake leaks, the newfound respect we had for LEGO employees we talk to, the observation of discussion it brought to our community, and the outdatedness effect it had on the podcast.

There’s this idea that because somehow this decision might benefit us in the future, nothing else counts and we’re evil executives smoking cigars while stroking a cat in our penthouses. Of course it makes strategic sense; that’s part of the reason why we’re doing it. But it doesn’t somehow invalidate all of the other reasons.


This has been going around somewhat, and I would like the clarify that the brief conversation I had with him had no affect on our decision. As we mentioned in our TTV Talks about BIONICLE Leaks, we’ve been discussing this for over a year. Not to mention, he mentioned in that same reply to me that the entry/acceptance period for that program had ended almost exactly a week prior to his post. That means that (assuming this was the only reason we decided to do this) we’d still have to wait about a year (only guessing, I don’t know when they open that program up) or so until we could even apply again. And even then, there is no guarantee we’d be accepted.

I hope that clears things up!


Well, darn. I promised myself to never to go on 4chan.

Whatever tumblr told you about that place is wrong. It’s not an evil site. Especially the safe for work boards.

I’d like to apologize to everyone for any ruckus I may have caused.
And no I never saw any of the things you’ve done as evil. Why would I do? You’re not a sellout if you’d make that move considering the pros and cons.
Neither have I ever imagined any of you smoking cigars and petting a cat.
-quality fan art material tho haha-

I apologize once more

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Somebody real has to do this. @prpldragon?

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i think that this is the right decision for TTV to stop reporting on leaks

After the discovery of the 2016 summer leaks, I now 100% agree with this decision. The 2016 thread is punishing to read through. Im still hyped on the winter sets, but all people seem to want to talk about is how they think the friggin legs on the new sets are built. PUNISHING…