TTV's Official Brickonicle Toa Designs [CANON][Worldbuilding][Characters]

I kind of think that G2 mask system took away from the villagers’ individuality. For the uniform of an ancient order like the Protectors, maybe, but I think outside of that Matoran shouldn’t be confined in their mask designs.


They could have the masks be different by using the Noble/Great/Nuva Kanohi differentiation, so the Toa would have “evolved” masks compared to the Turaga and Matoran.

As always, a mixture of both G´s will be best. Maybe keep the armour of G2 but with that feeling of personality from G1.

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Eh, I’m just gonna be honest, I really don’t like how these designs look.

The heads under the masks look far too cartoony, and IMO would look better as a solid colour head. The bodies have too much going on. There are colours and lines everywhere. They look far more based on the G2 designs than the G1, but are somehow even more overdesigned.

I realise I’m very late to the party here, but it took me a while to decide whether I was going to post this at all, and how scathing I was willing to be.


Now I haven’t been following this as much as I’d like and I’m a podcast behind, but I thought of something for the Matoran. Now I don’t really remember if they are a seperate species from the Toa in your canon (like how in G1 it was an evolutionary transformation) but if they are, have you guys considered the Nexo bot bodies as a base? I feel like that they do a much better job of differentiating the Toa from generic villagers than the shorter minifigure legs would.

On the topic of matoran height… there are some issues, look here.

Can tahu and lewa end up together? lol jk (maybe >:])

CAN THESE PLEASE BE MADE INTO SETS??? I would be first buyer XD Call up shapeways and make it a thing :smile:

Edited for double-post. --John Smith

LEGO would probably sue the TTV for making money out of their theme, maybe if they were actually called brickonicle and they were a bootleg

Then character´s names would be edited. They would be Teho, Luwa, Gemi, Oneo, Kopoki and Puhuta.


i think tahu and kopaka should have the woody arms and legs I also think that a cape is not very good for lewa I would prefer wings, I also think you (TTV) should maybe make up some toa like all female wit a toa of lightning or something especially since i believe if made well this could be a good line for girls

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at long last

actual tree elements in a plastic toy line.


Who made the design? It is awesome!

They look amazing. My favorites are Lewa,Kopaka,and Tahu

Wait wait wait wait wait wait.

Hoooold up.

This is canon?

Kopaka is my personal favorite.

Think of it like Saitama before joining the Hero’s Association… he’s just a “hero for fun”, but isn’t official. :punch:


“I’m just a class C Hero with a score of 71 points.”

Perfect analogy.


These all look excellent @IllustriousVar , but from a set prospective, I’m not sure the accents on all the Toa work. For example, Kopaka looks like he has yellow elemental energy flowing through him, this is a color associated with warmth and doesn’t convey ice. This is messing me up while trying to make sets as he looks out of place. Pohatu and Onua are the only two that work well when associating them with their elemental energy colors.

Here is a recolor that I think fits better for Kopaka. Unfortunately the solution isn’t as simple for the other Toa.


why not, you just have to change the glow dont you?


The color around the glow for Tahu, Gali, and Lewa are pretty much the same color as what the glow should probably be, so another color may have to be changed for them and this changes the aesthetic.