I decided to try and recreate what I suppose to be a concept art for what would have been a G1 Bionicle continuation that we saw in a Duckbricks’ video (I don’t know if it was confirmed to actually be Lewa).
I tried to build it like it was an official set (hence the red axles and blue pins), using the minimum amount of pieces and only from Technic/Bionicle/Hero Factory. Sadly at 40 pieces, it is more comparable to a Toa Metru then a Turaga or Matoran set.
I deliberately used the 67695 piece instead of an older version because I wanted to give it a modern look, like it could have been released nowadays.
The arms, the hockey skates and the previously mentioned 67695 part (in green) are the only pieces that do not exist in the colors used.
The only new molds needed, if we do not account for more accurate legs, are the mask (a big shoutout to @Rothanak for designing it for Stud.io) and the staff (thank you @Scmd1999 for making a longer version for me).
Looks good, nice parts choice.
Cool moc! I like the simple building style which makes it feel more set-like. nice job.
Pretty cool. The technique you used to connect the arms to the body with an art accurate orientation is clever. The feet are a bit long though. I would have seen bohrok feet instead.
I made a custom part for the staff. If you are interested, here is the link. Stud.io files link in description:
Bionicle Turaga Lewa Nuva Staff by Scmdex - Thingiverse
I too feel that the feet are a little long, but (for me) they are clearly the hockey skates in the concept art.
And speaking of feet, I decided to connect them with an Axle with stud + bush as those pieces are present on most of the Toa Nuva’s feet as well (because I like it as a small detail that differenciate the Nuva from the Mata even further, I added those pieces to the Nuva that didn’t have them).
Can you make it bigger, or at least longer? In the concept art the staff looks almost as tall as Lewa (which is also how big the og staves are, compared to the Turaga both in set and movie form).
Check my pack, it has been updated. Now you can find a longer version.
By removing a couple of bush in the feet that you wont be able to see, I was able to reduce the numer of pieces to 40.
Also, to make it more clear how it’s built, here’s how it looks under the chestpiece.
I haven’t seen the video, but this looks more like a reimagining/alternate version of Lewa and Matau.
Sooo… things got a little out of hand and I’m currently making all the Nuva into turaga.
Should I make a topic for each, or just a massive one for all of them?
IMO go with a massive topic… unless you want to farm likes.
But I think a massive topic helps to coordinate further discussions.