Turbocharger (Slizers/Roborider Bioformer)

Built for LegoFactory Community’s MocLeague contest. The theme was MOCs that can transform/Bioformers

If you wanna see out a video of how the transformation works, check it out on Instagram


It’s pretty cool that it can transform, nice job!

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a VAST improvement over previous slizers from your career

jk, this is a great moc, the fact it transforms is just the icing on the cake.
wonderful job.

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Now this is nostalgic :smiley: I love that it is both a slizer and a robo rider, super cool. Makes me want to build some slizer mocs now.

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Not only is this a cool slizer moc but it’s also a cool roborider moc and a cool bioformer moc.

Great job on this one.


beautiful. now just give it a robot arm

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