Unconfirmed Phantom Images

He is working from home currently, and he only goes onto the boards from his office. That’s why.


There’s precedent for that with the Prisoners of the Pit contest winners being cannon, just not their names, on the page for The Pit.

Also, why aren’t the better scans of the photos what’s on the BS01 page? @Swert?

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Because they sorta got overlooked with the rest of the on going conversation, and also because the image file itself is bigger than the limit. Perhaps if cropped into for different images, it might work. I believe it’s being handled.


So we’ll we actually ask him about this finally in the ask greg topic? Even if he doesn’t answer right now, at least he will see it there eventually.


I agree. I really believe this is something that Greg needs to be reminded of on the “Ask Greg” topic. It’s a worthy question that needs to be answered. A blast from the past unearthed; even if it isn’t canonized. It’s worth trying so Casey can be at peace.

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its so crazy that we still find things like this

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I’m attempting an Ask Greg to see if we can get a response. Hopefully we can finally get Phantom to be canonized!

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I really don’t think this is Phantom, but it is definitely an accidental exclusion from the book. If we look at Primal’s entry essay vs the entry in Dark Hunters, very little is changed. This MOC’s entry essay shares a single detail with the entry in BEU. That tells me that this isn’t Phantom.


The reason I think it’s so different is because of a 2 year gap. Even a one year gap, along with the photos and essays being destroyed means Greg and the team couldn’t reference the original to make sure it it matched up. However even if this isn’t Phantom I do agree that it’s probably one of the missing 2 entries.

Also I brought this up in the ask, perhaps it’s because of legal issues that they had to alter it enough to be legally distinct, since they never did use his essay and character in the book.

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