Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

If we are to assume that the boiling water produced steam, which evaporates into the surrounding air, then Karda Nui would easily be capable of producing weather systems on its own.


I sure hope so because my cloud theory hinges desperately upon it


you guys do know that Toa can create/generate their elements, right?


Never once in the history of Bionicle has that happened


That’s not true, that ability of Toa has appeared repeatedly in the story


Rukah’s right, albeit with some nuance

Toa can form their elements as long as the environment allows them to do so, such as fire Toa making a flame as long as the environment allows for combustion - even underwater. As long as the molecular building blocks are there, it can happen.

except for LEWA, who somehow managed to create air out of the vacuum of space that one time in Reign of Shadows because he’s Lewa and he doesn’t care or something

I’ve made a topic for it so we can discuss there as we’re already wildly off topic here.


I’m pretty sure clouds are visible below the Phantoka in the POV shots in the trailer (this is the AI upscaled version from Findogask):

Edit: this could easily be the mists of the swamp but it seems a little high for that to me.


The Ninjago TV show should’ve been more like The Monkie Kid series in terms of visuals at least.


‘Bully’ was the perfect code name for Hakann, it’s exactly the sort of ego-deflating brand that TSO would assign him, both for personal amusement and to keep Hakann’s pride in check


Hakann would absolutely immediately turn around and puff himself up with it tho


I’ve seen this sentiment a lot in Ninjago community and I don’t really get it. Not only do I prefer the redesigns, I think they should update them again. Help show how the Ninja have changed and grown over time.

I didn’t grow up with the series and checked it out between Tournament of Elements and Possession. So a lot of my opinions are out of sync with the wider fandom. What’s considered nostalgic and iconic isn’t the same for me.

It’s sort of like BIONICLE fans who joined late in it’s run not holding the Mata Nui era with the same level of reverence as the older fans.


Agreed. I’m not sure if this will remain unpopular for long, since this demographic will be growing over time.


i actually have no clue if this is controversial, but i would say that the ignition trilogy was were bionicle peaked, namely 07 and 08
despite this, i do feel like g2 should have leaned more into the mystic fantasy of the early years


I’m with you on this, but I also agree with the general statement about how the fanbase changed over time.

I never really got into the story until after the G1 sets got cancelled, and I’ve always liked all the interwoven plotlines of the later years; since I experienced the story in a fairly nonchronological order at first, I never really experienced the mystery of the early years because I already knew all of the answers, and I feel like a lot of newer fans have that same perspective.

  • I don’t mind printed details on Bionicle sets or any buildable Lego figure. I’ve seen a lot of fans who don’t like them on the later CCBS figures, but I don’t see any good reason why they couldn’t be on Constraction sets. If anything, the visors of the Slizers/Throwbots & the “heads” of the Roboriders are good examples of how stylistic they can be.

  • I’m not very fond of the G2 head connections. IMO, they’re even more flimsy and insecure than the 2001 masks with the pegs.

  • Speed Champions is a better theme than Racers. The builds of the sets are way more intricate and meticulous than the often try-hard, flimsy designs of the Racers’ line cars.

  • The next story-driven, big-bang theme should be a space-centric line that is more about exploration and adventure instead of the repetitive heroes vs villains in a war premise.


I agree with this. I wish the G2 masks had connectors that used either axles or studs, because they’re really hard to use without a head.


I second the motion


To be fair, they’re trying to do different things.

(Side note: Tiny Turbos was awesome, though)

Yeah, there hasn’t been a Space theme in over a decade; the last proper theme (i.e. not counting space-themed City sets) was Galaxy Squad, which was discontinued after 2013.


I buy off-brand bricks.

Fact is, Megabloks makes Halo sets and LEGO doesn’t.

… Or “Mega Construx,” whatever they’re called now.


Have they fixed their abysmal quality control?

For years mega bloks sets were so incompetent the pieces could barely stay together; I had a castle from their dragon theme several years ago (read: more than a decade) and it was so bad my entire family collectively threw in the towel and gave up trying to build it.