I think Solek is an awesome Av-Matoran set.
I think everybody is being unfairly harsh towards Ketar.
I think the Ignika and Piraka builds are good builds (Boring? yes. Bad? no)
And that is all I got for the moment. I have some other opinions, but I don’t know the communitie’s opinion on them. And before any Mods or Admins say anything: I am being serious with those opinions.
I liked Hero factory.
Despite being pretty bad, I feel HF’s show was probably better than Bionicle’s movies.
I didn’t like Bionicle’s movies, even as a kid.
The Hordika were a decent idea.
HF is at times more complex in terms of build than Bionicle G1, just a lack of greebling makes it not look that way.
I dislike Takanuva, because he defeated the point of Unity, overrode the destiny of the other Toa, and all that.
The Inika build wasn’t so bad.
The early Bionicle G1 sets are objectively not very good.
I like many of HF’s villains.
HF 1.0’s villains were really cool.
Witch doctor may well be one of the best constraction sets of all time.
I want HF to return when Bionicle G2 is over, with more emphasis on villain sets being bigger and tougher and with a darker mood.
Stringer was pretty cool.
CCBS is a better system than G1’s.
I love Umarak the hunter and want the destroyer.
The glatorian were cool.
While the stars were pretty bad, they weren’t too bad for kids, because I got to use them as army-builders.
The ignition trilogy was pretty clever. Also, the first year sorta feels like a superhero story.
Meltdown deserved more love.
Invasion from Below wasn’t very good.
The 2008 Toa nuva were definite upgrades, even if they didn’t look like the old ones.
G2 is a good thing.
I absolutely loved the Vahki when they came out and I still do, and I think that Ultimate Dume is garbage, Skull Grinder is by far one of the most awesome villains in Bionicle for his ultimate badassery in the animations (I mean come on he literally spoke once and that line was probably the most intimidating one I’ve never seen spoken by a bad guy in Bionicle), and my favorite theme for G1 is bye bye Babylon, the piraka, the inika and axonn are pretty awful, and I think that 2005 was a very important year for the story because most of the characters had an important character arch.
I find “Rise of the Rookies” to be more enjoyable (through nostalgia) than any of the first three BIONICLE films.
I don’t like Umarak TD. His color scheme is boring, he’s gappy, his hand-closing function seems superfluous, and to quote Mesonak, “Those horns are dumb.”
Skull Scorpio is my second-favorite G2 villain set (behind Umarak TH.)