Unpopular Opinions about Movies (and Television Shows)

Ironically enough this recent Grammy’s gave me the slightest hope for award shows due to 8-Bit Big Band getting a Grammy for their Kirby remix

Otherwise… I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I looked up the song title and I got Barbara Streisand.


what the heck are your wifi settings

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well my ip address is 1-313-131-31 and I-

why are you asking?

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How in the world does one have an IP address with a number over 255?

Why do you have a Class A address?

Why are you only using IPV4?

Who are you Ghid?

Who is this imposter?


is this about the anime in my search history

please I can explain no wait no it was my friend what do you mean I have no friends wait there’s an explanation wait please no please


You can ask me all these questions and more in the Ask Ghid topic in the HSH if you become a master. For now let’s get back on topic.


We do a little topic reviving

So, I think I have an opinion could still be considered unpopular, but it seems like it’s becoming more and more prevalent nowadays. It’s an opinion about the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how much it sucks now. All post-Endgame movies so far ranged from utterly mediocre (Shang-Chi, Black Panther 2) to absolute laughable garbage (Dr Strange: in the multiverse of madness, Eternals). The two Spider-Man movies (far from home, no way home) are an exception though, they were pretty good. As for the marvel TV shows, most of them were pretty meh… not She-Hulk though, that one was a real stinker. Not only are the movies not that great, but there’s also no overarching plot. Obviously, in the pre-Endgame stuff we had the entire infinity stone deal spanning across all the films, but now that it’s been taken care of, the story is just roaming around aimlessly, with no end goal.

And, I must say that pre-Endgame films, while far from being masterpieces, were a pretty good, simple fun… well, most of them (Thor 2: Dark World and Captain Marvel messed up that track record a bit). But everything that came after didn’t bring me much enjoyment. Some might say that I just grew out of these movies, and, while I think it’s true to some extent, I still enjoy rewatching some the older ones, so it must be the quality of these movies that changed, not me.
To be honest, at this point I’m not excited for any of Marvel’s future releases. I just don’t care anymore.
I think that this franchise outstayed its welcome, it has turned into a lifeless shell of its former self, devoid of any originality or fresh ideas…

Well, long story short, they should have ended it with Endgame lol


Spider-Man’s only good because he and Captain America are very similar characters. They want to do what’s morally right, and are opposed by those who, for instance, want to use superheroes for their own gain (Mysterio, J.J. Jameson) or who want them gone. Ant-Man I find rather enjoyable, since he’s sort of like if Spider-Man had gained his powers as an adult, and struggles against the consequences of his past decisions while being given a chance to make better ones now. Doctor Strange is practically amoral, as you see him give in to Peter Parker’s wish to erase him from memory, and he uses similar powers with impunity. A lot of the background characters are just annoying, as they’re introduced merely as plot points (Iron Heart, basically all of Wakanda).

I think the new movies would be improved if they cut out all the new and cool stuff and focused on the well-known characters who are still alive. Spider-Man is a good example of this, as he’s basically now in the same situation as the Sony movies: no one knows about his powers, he’s a nerdy guy who is somewhat ignored by society, and he has very strong morals, unlike most heroes and villains he meets. Winter Soldier is similar, having been put in a bad situation by Hydra and a crazy terrorist.

These are the types of characters they should focus on, not the Captain Marvel-style characters who are so powerful that most villains are laughable in comparison. That doesn’t make for much entertainment, and adding ideological tropes to superhero movies doesn’t usually work, especially when you can tell that they’re just supposed to be making viewers feel good. It distracts from the plot and makes even good characters look more stereotyped than the villains.

Sorry for my rant. I have a bit much on my mind at the moment.

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I’ll raise you…

Besides a few exceptions, the majority of the MCU is mediocre at best. Some of it has entertainment value, but I think the overall quality of storytelling is poor. Especially as a fan of the original versions of many of these Marvel characters, I don’t see much long lasting value in the MCU as a whole. However I can’t say I’m surprised given the direction of Marvel comics in the last decades. The flanderized spectacle of these characters have become more important than the truth that could be found in them originally.

@NOTaHFfan Me waiting for your reply:


The thing is, to make a good character, you don’t need to make them a good person with heigh moral qualities. Development is what shapes a good character. This is the exact reason why I much prefer characters like Iron Man and Dr Strange over ones like Captain America: they started out as selfish, arrogant, not very good people, went through hardships that made them reconsider their life choices, change their priorities, and ended up as much better people in the end. That’s a very simple character arc, basic even, but it works like a charm in forming a good character if done right. Characters like Cap, on the other hand, start off as good people, and usually end up being very static, since there’s no room for them to grow.

The problem with modern Marvel characters like She-Hulk, for instance, is that they start out as insufferable pieces of crap, don’t change in any way, yet still get rewarded for it. There’s nothing to like in them and they don’t develop whatsoever.

While I mostly agree with this, I’d still rephrase it:
Prioritising ideologies and political messages over actual story and plot in any movies or books will always lead to garbage results. This is something that the entirety of Hollywood (and modern media in general) have been greatly suffering from for a while now. And this is the exact reason why I’ve been trying to distance myself from them as much as possible and why I mainly switched to a certain kind of entertainment coming form the Land of the Rising Sun

You know what, I kind of agree with this. Most of them are a good spectacle for sure, but, like you said, they don’t really hold any long-lasting value. I think that Martin Scorsese put it perfectly in one of his interviews: Marvel movies are not real cinema, they’re just… products. Once the MCU is finally done for (at least I hope this day will come), it probably will be forgotten quickly as merely a product of its time. It won’t leave a lasting impact on our culture for sure… or maybe the Greedy Mouse will continue pumping these out till the end of the world…

Marvel movies are good for what they are, but in the grand scheme of things… nah

The first Iron Man is a legitimately solid movie on its own though

You shouldn’t have bothered lol. What you see here is very disappointing



Starting debates on the boards in between Statistic assignments is how I get high.


Well, I still like Captain America since he has better morals than most other fictional characters. Iron Man I just find annoying, since it takes him several movies to really have any character development, and I haven’t seen enough character at all in Doctor Strange for him to be more than another OP character who apparently is both capable of freezing time in a loop and yet not using that against most of Earth’s enemies at all. Most other characters, like Black Panther, really are glorified side characters, as their private battles have little to do with the main story other than filling in plot holes, adding side quests for the Avengers, and making general mayhem.

In general, I like the quality of their movies, especially as regards the cinematography, but I dislike most of the characters.

But they did.

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I know this is an unpopular opinions topic, but…

It’s explained many times in the first Doctor Strange movie that use of the Time Stone is dangerous and potentially catastrophic. Strange got an earful just messing with an apple.

The only reason he used the time loop on Dormammu was because it was A) a last-ditch effort and B) probably the only thing Dormammu was weak against since he exists outside of time. And even then, Strange lost one of his closest friends and allies by doing it because they didn’t agree that it was the right call.

Fast forward to Infinity War and it’s again shown why he doesn’t use the Time Stone. Using it means putting it and its power right out in the open where Thanos and his goons can potentially grab it. He does briefly suggest using it against Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian on Earth, but after losing that fight and facing Thanos himself (empowered by 4 other Infinity Stones at this point), Strange prefers to hide it away to avoid allowing half of the universe to disappear (“you never once used your greatest weapon”).

Endgame and onward, he just doesn’t have the Time Stone, so no more time loops.

That entire first Dr. Strange movie is also about Strange’s character development, which is actually pretty close to Tony Stark’s. But the ending of that movie could not have happened without Strange developing.

And again, this isn’t really exactly true. Tony undergoes probably the most drastic character development possible in the first half hour of Iron Man. The rest of the Iron Man and Avengers movies all build off that fundamental change.

I can understand seeing him as annoying, but I wouldn’t really agree that he develops slowly.


(Just hearing the name reminded me of a gripe I’ve always had with it:) Personally, it bugged me the scene in the first movie where he couldn’t climb the flagpole until he got buff, like to me it seemed obvious that we would use his brains to solve that problem (think Mulan style), proving that you do not need to be “big buff manly man” to solve a problem or save the day. But they didn’t do that, of course they did. Ugh.
Mandela effected myself real hard there, sorry folks.

I have enjoyed some MCU movies, namely the first Iron Man, both Guardians movies and the first Ant Man, maybe throw in Captain America but other than that I’m lukewarm about the franchise and frankly superheroes in general…well the only superhero comics I read growing up were some random X-Men ones and the last I read was Squirrel Girl (Which is satire in some ways) and I enjoyed those, but more for the “teenagers have inexplicable abilities which they must hide but also use for good” aspect…wait this is a topic about movies…ops…back on topic: I don’t care much for the MCU, I think overall these large franchises are damaging for the film industry, especially for the Visual Effects Companies and post production crew members being worked like dogs and who these films are very reliant on.

Anyways, unpopular opinion, hmmmm…Shrek 2 is better than the first Shrek?


That is one of my least favourite complaints about the newer movies.

Superhero stories need ideological/political elements. That is why they were made to begin with. They were made to boost the morale of soldiers and get more people to choose to apply for war.
Captain America specifically originated as propaganda. He stood for the American values, he was the ideal soldier, always fighting for the US’ side. He started out fighting against the Nazis and German soldiers.
Superman was used to show people that no matter how you grow up, you can achieve greatness.
All superhero movies/stories, and to an extension hero stories in general, need to show an ideology. They do not work without that element.


Not sure how unpopular that opinion is, because it’s the most based thing I heard today

Well, there’s nothing wrong about a movie having an ideology if it’s implemented well. If it’s carefully woven into the plot, I have no problems with it.
But, I think that an ideology should never be the main priority, you should always prioritise telling a good, cohesive story. Let’s take the original Captain America comic books as an example. They had a very strong ideological message indeed, but it didn’t come at the expense of good writing. If you were to remove all the messaging from them, you’d still be left with a solid standalone story.

And this is exactly what the modern Marvel movies fail at really hard: they beat you over your head with their political and ideological messages, and there isn’t much concern for delivering a cohesive story or writing good, likeable characters (the writing in these movies is weaker than ever)
These films mainly serve as outlets for these writers to project their beliefs. And, even though I might agree with those beliefs, it all comes across as extremely obnoxious as they are extremely pushy about them and don’t really care about the integrity of these stories…

You know what, I take that back. I’m actually glad that they didn’t stop after Endgame, because if they did, we would have never gotten the opportunity to see the most morbatious move of all time, Morbius

Okay, here’s another unpopular opinion: I actually think that Amazon releasing the LoTR: Rings of Power TV show was a good thing, because, thanks to it, the entirety of Tolkien fandom united to collectively mock it into oblivion. If it wasn’t released, I wouldn’t have gotten the satisfaction of watching it fail miserably


If I remember correctly, though, he does use his brains to solve that problem. He just removes the pin holding up the pole, knocks it down, and takes the flag.

It’s Mulan who actually just climbs the pole.


Probably the least unpopular opinion of all time ngl


True. Someone seems to have confused similar scenes in these movies.